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There are many antioxidants in tea, and they have many names, depending on how specific you want to get. The antioxidants are all a type of flavonoid, which are also classified as polyphenols. Green and white tea are richest in catechins, a class of chemicals which include epicatechin (EC), epigallocatechin (EGC), epicatechin gallate (ECG), and epigallocatechin gallate.

Black tea, oolong tea, and other oxidized teas contain catechins as well, but some of these chemicals have been converted to other antioxidants, called theaflavins and thearubigins. These antioxidants are also called tannins, and are responsible for the dark color of black tea.

Herbal tea contains other antioxidants, and generally does not contain catechins. However, it does still contain polyphenols (which are a broader class of chemicals).

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theophylline and theobromine are the 2 main ones

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Does black tea in teabags contain antioxidants?

Yes it does. Many people think that green tea contains more antioxidants than black tea but believe it or not black tea contains just as much antioxidants as green tea. Just read the nutrition information on the packages. So to answer your question black tea in tea bags does have antioxidants.

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The biggest benefit of tea is that it is healthy for most people to drink six to eight cups of tea per day. When you compare the amount of antioxidants in eight cups of tea to the amount of antioxidants in two cups of coffee, tea wins.

Green Tea Full of Antioxidants?

There are many benefits of green tea, but perhaps the most important is the amount of antioxidants. Antioxidants reduce free radicals in your body. Free radicals can lead to cancer and premature aging. Green tea has more antioxidants than black tea, and it has less tannins that stain your teeth and cups.

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All fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants (however some are more widely advertised as containing antioxidants than others). Decent levels of antioxidants can also be found in dark chocolate, red wine, tea (both green and black) and coffee.

What are the beneficial aspects of drinking tea?

Tea carries antioxidants which is good for the body.

What is the healthiest tea?

the healithiest tea is green contains antioxidants and has no carbs or calories.

Is Tea in the summer bad for your health?

Tea, especially green tea, contain antioxidants and is good for the health throughout the year.

What has the most antioxidants in it?

The antioxidant content of tea varies widely from one tea to the next, but it's impossible to generalize about the antioxidant content of broad classes of tea such as green tea, black tea, oolong tea, or white tea. The freshness of tea also affects its antioxidant content, especially after the tea is brewed. Bottled iced tea, or iced tea that has been stored for a while, is low in antioxidants because the antioxidants break down.Tea contains many different types of antioxidants. Green and white tea tend to contain more of the catechins, whereas oxidized teas including oolong and black tea tend to contain more theaflavins and thearubigins, which are sometimes called tannins, and are the chemicals giving these teas their dark color.Herbal teas generally do not contain the same antioxidants as in tea, but they are also antioxidant rich.

Is it good for children to drink green tea?

Green tea contains powerful antioxidants that boost the immune system. Green tea contains fluorine which can help reduce the formation of cavities in children. The antioxidants found in green tea are helpful in reducing the formation of bacteria that can lead to diarrhea. Children that are susceptible to colds or illness may find that drinking green tea helps support their immune system. So to improve your children health buy green tea.

What are the benefites of white tea?

White Tea Antioxidants Antioxidants are nutrients that protect the body from damage by free radicals. Free radicals are nasty things that go around wreaking havoc on your body, damaging DNA and accelerating aging. Antioxidants scoop them up and neutralize them. White tea is loaded with these protective nutrients.

What type of green tea clean your system?

Green tea the brand tetley a natural source of antioxidants

What are the benefits of Lichee black tea?

Like green tea, black tea contains antioxidants, though the oxidation process required to create black tea reduces the amount of antioxidants. Lychee black tea is simply black tea which has been scented with lychee peels, which are high in vitamin C and essential minerals such as Copper, Potassium and Phosphorous.