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Q: What is another word for skeletal muscle that is under conscious control?
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What type of muscle is controlled by conscious thought?

Skeletal muscles are the only type of muscle in the body under conscious control.

What muscle is primarily under conscious control?

Skeletal muscle

What muscles are voluntary?

Skeletal muscles are voluntary muscles.

Which muscle do you control smooth muscle or skeletal muscle?

You are in direct control of skeletal muscle.

Which type of muscular tissue contains an alternating pattern of myofilaments and is under conscious control?

skeletal muscle tissue

What is a skeletal muscle and is it voluntary or involuntary?

The skeletal muscle covers and clings to the body skeleton. It is responsible for body movement and is voluntary because it is under our conscious control unlike the cardiac muscle which is responsible for the heart beat

Which is a type of muscle tissue that is most often controlled by conscious thought?

Skeletal muscle is most often controlled by conscious thought.

Where are the three types of muscles located in your body?

Skeletal muscle or "voluntary muscle" is anchored by tendons (or by aponeuroses at a few places) to bone and is used to effect skeletal movement such as locomotion and in maintaining posture. Though this postural control is generally maintained as an unconscious reflex, the muscles responsible react to conscious control like non-postural muscles.Smooth muscle or "involuntary muscle" can be found in the walls of organs and organ systems such as the digestive, urinary and respiratory systems. This muscle is not under conscious control.Cardiac muscle is also involuntary, but is similar to the skeletal muscle, and only found in the heart.

What is straited muscle?

straited muscle are another form of skeletal muscle.

What is the muscle tissue that is under conscious control?

There are three types of muscle, Smoothe, Skeletal and Cardiac. Smooth muscle is the type that is found in the viscera of the body and is involved in all the actions we do not have time to think about all the time so is under the control of the Autonomic Nervous System. The skeletal muscle is the type that moves the joints asn is named fof its connection to the bones of the body which skeletal muscles act on. This is the type that is involved in the finer actions that you must think about to perform and so these are the muscles under conscious control. The cardiac muscle is similar to the skeletal muscle in structure but is can generate its own rhythmic contraction under the influence of autonomic nervous action

Muscle tissue that is attached to bone and is controlled by the conscious part of the brain is generally of what type?

Skeletal Muscle

What is the difference between the voluntary and the involuntary muscle movement?

A voluntary muscle performs movement on command. Involuntary muscle performs with out conscious command.