

What is another word for threat?

Updated: 12/9/2022
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15y ago

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is a wonderous pot of food like stew with beef and potatoes and a juicy sauce it is very delightful when you smell the aroma and when your lips taste it thrills your taste buds

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Q: What is another word for threat?
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What is a sentence using the word threat?

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What is another word for threatened?

pose a threat to; present a danger to; endanger; imperil; jeaporize; menace

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How do you say threat in french?

The word "threat" in French is translated as "menace".

Can you give a sentence with the word threat?

The mob boss called and issued a threat and an ultimatum.

How do you use the word threat in a sentence?

Our foreign neighbors no longer pose a constant threat to our safety.

What is threat as an verb?

'Threat', of course. The litmus tests for a noun: can it take an article, adjective or possessive (the threat; the dire threat, the threat's dissuasive power); can it be used as the subject or object of a sentence? (the threat was taken seriously; they perceived a threat in his tone), can it take a relative clause modifier? (the threat that she would fail was an incentive)

What is the abstract noun for threat?

The noun 'threat' is an abstract noun; a word for an expression of intent to do harm; an indication of something impending; a word for a concept.

What is the antonym for the word threat?

A threat is something that is dangerous and harmful, or a communication of intent to harm. The antonym of threat would be safety or reassurance.