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Q: What is artificially acquired immunity?
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What form of immunity is acquired through vaccination?

Artificially acquired active immunity.

What type of immunity do you get when you get a vaccine?

Tetanus shots protect against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis.

What type of immunity results from injection of tetanus toxoid?

Artificially acquired active immunity

What type of immunity are antibodies given to a person?

Artificially acquired Active- vaccines (active or live viruses that are lifelong immunity) Artificially acquired Passive - gamma globulin injection that is temporary (used for overseas trips)

Receiving antivenom after a snake bite would be an example of which classification of immunity?

artificially acquired passive immunity

What immunization achieved by the injection of attenuated measles virus?

artificially acquired passive immunity

What Immunity results when antibodies produced in another animal are introduced into your body?

This is called artificially acquired passive immunity. See link below:

What are two types of acquired specific immunity?

There is innate immunity (that you are born with) and acquired immunity. Acquired immunity you get when you are vaccinated or you get the disease and fight it off. The best example is that of what we call common colds. There are about 100 different viruses that cause them. This is one reason that babies and young children seem to be always be coming down with one or getting over one.

How do you improve your immunity?

There are different types of immunity Non-specific and Speicific and the best is Innate which is inborn, acquired active after exposure to a disease like measles & mumps and by vaccination which is Artificially acquired active immunity which is the practice now to prevent from incurring a disease. There are different types of immunity Non-specific and Speicific and the best is Innate which is inborn, acquired active after exposure to a disease like measles & mumps and by vaccination which is Artificially acquired active immunity which is the practice now to prevent from incurring a disease.

How is active immunity similar to passive immunity?

Active immunity is long term protection that generally lasts 20-30 years and passive immunity is immediate protection. there are two forms, naturally acquired and artificially acquired. in active immunity the naturally acquired immunity is when you suffer from the disease then recover again. the artificially acquired way is by getting a vaccination. in passive immunity, the naturally acquired way is to receive antibodies from mother in pregnancy and breastfeeding, the artificial way is to have antibodies injected in a serum for immediate response for example when you have been bitten by a poisonous animal. note they are not vaccinated.

Where do antibodies come from in the active immunity process?

You need to be more specific. Do you mean the Naturally acquired active immunity process or the Artificially acquired active immunity process? Both are of the Adaptive Immunity process. There are also passive processes for each.

What is the difference between natural immunity and acquired immunity?

Naturally acquired immunity occurs through contact with a disease causing agent, when the contact was not deliberate, whereas artificially acquired immunity develops only through deliberate actions such as vaccination. they are both immunitys