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Because Septic Systems are designed with specific water use limitations, the BEST toilet choice on a septic system is always a toilet that uses a minimum amount of water AND still flushes well. For a 'gravity' actuated toilet, I like the high-end Toto toilets. Their engineering by far surpasses anything I've seen thus far domestic. And (even though some of my peers hate pressure-assist toilets) I've found the Gerber pressure assist toilet very reliable and it's 1.28gpf. If used thoughtfully, I have not seen that the low-gallon pressure assist has had an adverse impact on the overall drain system, (by causing clogging due to low flow). Bruce Davis, Sr. Journeyman Plumber, Day & Nite Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Lynnwood, WA.

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Q: What is best type of toilet for septic system?
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Can I use a clearstream septic system?

A clearstream septic system can be installed on nearly every type of home. Try calling and asking a sevice provider for the septic systems.

How do I care for and maintain a septic tank system?

There is a lot you should know about a septic tank. It would be best to get a book to read all about them. They require a specific type of maintenance, there are certain things that can't be flushed when using them. At the local supermarket there is a flushable septic tank helper that would be wise to purchase.

What is an antipolo type toilet?

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What are the different classifications of toilet and their uses?

The flush toiletThe flush toilet, the most common type of toilet found, sends waste through a series of pipes that lead to a sewer system and eventually a waste treatment plant or septic tank.Squat ToiletCommon in Turkish and Japanese households, this toilet looks like a porcelain hole in the floor that individuals have to hover over, with their knees bent in a squat position.UrinalsThis is the type of toilet commonly seen in men's restrooms. It is mounted against the wall and can be a single or a communal urinal.Incinerating ToiletThis is a waterless type of toilet. Instead of using water to flush away waste, it burns excrement and other waste products.Composting ToiletThis type of toilet composts human waste by removing moisture from excrement.Outhouse or Pit ToiletCommonly found at campgrounds or in extremely rural areas, this is a hole dug in the ground with a small structure built around it.PHS

How much does a septic tank inspection cost, or can you do it yourself?

You should have a pumper inspect your system to determine if the accumulation of solid waste is too high and needs to be removed. You should not inspect the tank yourself since the gasses that accumulate in the tank can be lethal. The cost of a professional septic tank inspection can vary widely, depending upon where you live and what size and type of septic tank you have. It may be best to call the manufacturer of your specific septic tank or visit their website to determine the price range of such an inspection.

With a septic tank what can you put down it?

You can put anything that would go down any system, yet you should not. A septic system is self contained and whatever goes down will either leach out, break down or clog up the system or need to be pumped out. Your septic system is a balanced environment and will work the best if: designed for the average family size occupancy, If grease is kept out, if minimal bleach and or antibiotics are kept out, the correct detergents used, also the type of products listed as septic safe will help reduce future expenditures to repair the system. Read all labels, the system will last long and work well when you realize how it all works, and perform periodic preventive maintenance. Learn where your clean out is located and keep large landscaping from the general area.

Which type of the shock is results from any type of heart failure?

septic shock

What is an antipolo type of toilet?

antipolo type of toilet were people can shot there excreta.................................... :):):):):):):):):):)

Is there a type of toilet seat that is anti-bacterial?

There are no anti-bacterial toilet seats, but consider getting anti-bacterial soap and cleaning the seat as often as you think best.

Which virtual phone system is the best?

A popular and highly rated type of virtual phone system is the VOiP PBX, which is available from a variety of hosts. Information on suppliers ad services can be obtained from review sites like Virtual Phone Systems Reviews and Toilet Paper Entrepreneur.

What is the average price for home insurance across America?

Home insurance varies based on the size of the home, location of home and the age of the home. It will also depend on if there is a well, septic system and what type of gas is used to heat the home. It is best to consult on a one by one basis.

Where do you deposit the chlorine tablets in a septic system?

DON'T!!! Septic systems require bacteria and enzymes to break down the waste. Chlorine tablets will kill the bacteria and destroy the enzymes. That's true for a traditional septic system. But some systems are really on-site waste treatment plants. After the septic tank the liquid flows through a sand filter which is populated by aerobic bacteria. After passing through the sand filter, the liquid is chlorinated and then discharged. In this type of system you do need chlorine tablets. And they have to be the right kind of tablets. DON'T use tablets designed for swimming pools! In my system there is a small black box next to the driveway. Inside that box are two white plastic tubes. That's where the chlorine tablets go. Your system may be different.