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You can put anything that would go down any system, yet you should not. A septic system is self contained and whatever goes down will either leach out, break down or clog up the system or need to be pumped out.

Your septic system is a balanced environment and will work the best if: designed for the average family size occupancy, If grease is kept out, if minimal bleach and or antibiotics are kept out, the correct detergents used, also the type of products listed as septic safe will help reduce future expenditures to repair the system. Read all labels, the system will last long and work well when you realize how it all works, and perform periodic preventive maintenance. Learn where your clean out is located and keep large landscaping from the general area.

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Q: With a septic tank what can you put down it?
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Can you put citrus fruit peeling down a septic tank garbage disposal?

no u cant

How do you do a septic tank cleaning?

To do a septic tank cleaning you must open the tank, have means to get the waste out, and have a place to put it. This can usually be done with a septic truck which has a tube which will suction most of the waste from the tank.

Why is it important to know the depth and location of drinking water wells before deciding where to build a septic tank?

if you put a septic tank down, in the wrong spot youll be drinking something you shouldnt be drinking.

How much does it cost to put in a new septic system?

This would depend on the size of the septic tank, your land layout and the distance from your property to the tank. Needless to say, installing a septic tank of any kind is quite costly.

How to Clean a Septic Tank?

An overfilled septic tank can cause backups in a sewer line, causing many problems in a plumbing system. If a septic tank has overflowed, it is usually clogged with excessive organic debris. A septic tank cleaner can be a good first step when treating a septic tank overflow. Septic tank cleaners contain natural bacteria and enzymes, designed to break down organic material in human waste. Excessive disposal of bleach and detergents into a septic line can kill these bacteria, preventing the breakdown of septic waste in a tank. If a septic cleaner doesn't clear a tank after a week, it may be necessary to use a professional septic tank cleaning service.

What is the pitch on a septic tank line going from the toilet drain down to the septic tank line?

Ideally 1/4" per foot minimum

How are lateral lines on septic tank repaired?

They are replaced. The old lateral field is taken out, new lines and gravel is are put down and covered.

What happens if grease is on septic tank?

the most probable thing that will happen is that the septic tank will clog up, because micro bacteria cant break down grease

Does paint clogged a sewer line?

Yes, it will. Paint of any kind should never be put down a sewer line. If you are on septic it will kill the aerobics in your tank.

How effective is a septic tank?

it upon the material used to build the septic tank

How deep can a septic tank be. Is it ok to put gravel on top, or dirt Will it hurt the drain field?

Septic tanks may be installed at any depth in the soil. The main factors that determine the depth of the tank are sewer line depth, and the site conditions. It is ok to put gravel or dirt over your septic tank. If you have six or more inches of dirt you can grow grass as well.Putting gravel or dirt over the septic tank will not harm the drain field.

How do you get rid of frogs from your septic system?

What I have to say would be the easiest thing to do would be just to put your hand in a glove, and then the glove into the Septic Tank.