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i think it would not make a difference the hybrid take alot of electricity stations to be build and charged so the factory which makes bateries would polute as much as the regular gasoline car does and that will affect the environment.but any way the earthhas to switch to electricity soon because we are running out on petron we probaly could hold till 2025 then switch but we will not have time to switch because the supernova is coming soon so blame ourselves and the government.

There is a huge difference. Alternative fuel autos run on Ethanol and lower octane fuel. This creates a large demand on the corn supply. There are some reports that it takes over one gallon of diesel and 200 gallons of water to make a gallon of ethanol. If this is true, the ethanol fuel is costing us energy. In any event this ethanol is being seriously subsidized by the Government and is absolutely costing us tax dollars. Alternative fuel systems will not help reduce any dependence on foreign oil and cost the country in terms of increased demand on corn, which increases the cost of many food products.

Hybrids may not be anywhere near as friendly for the environment as they claim to be, but they do help reduce overall fuel consumption. This, in turn, reduces our dependence on foreign oil.

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There are many reasons why hybrid cars are better than regular cars. One reason is that hybrid cars get better gas mileage than regular vehicles. Another reason is that hybrid cars help protect the environment.

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Companies that make hybrid cars include Toyota, Honda, General Motors, Ford, BMW and Mercedes-Benz. Hybrid cars help to reduce greenhouses gas emissions to become more independent from fossil fuels.

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