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I am not a hamster expert but i would say that a female would be better because males tend to be more aggressive

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Q: What is better male or female dwarf hamsters?
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Male hamsters tend to be less aggressive and protective than female hamsters.

Will a male dwarf hamsters groom another male dwarf hamster?

no 2 male hamsters will fight, I have a Male Hamster and so does my Brother, we put them next to each other and my Hamster jumped on top of his. if you out 2 male or female hamsters together, they will surely fight

Will two male dwarf hamsters fight over a female dwarf hamster?

Yes, they are very vicious for their size.

Are male hamsters have better memory than female hamsters?

It depends on the hamster (:

How do you connect two hamster cages?

You can put two Dwarf Hamsters together but if you put a male and a female together they most likely have babies. You can put a male Dwarf Hamster and a male Dwarf Hamster together and you can put a female Dwarf Hamster with a femaleDwarf Hamster. Just make sure the two hamsters don't fight.

Can any male frog mate with any female frog?

Of course. Chinese Dwarf Hamsters and Roborovski Dwarf Hamsters can be put in groups of the same gender/breed. Ex: Male Chinese Dwarf + Male Chinese Dwarf Female Roborovski Dwarf + Female Chinese Dwarf

Must you separate the male hamsters to the female when it is pregnant?

If its a dwarf hamster, you can choose if you want the male to stay. If its a syrian hamster you can give the male away.

Can a female Robo Dwarf Hamster mate with a male winter white dwarf hamster?

No, they cannot because all hamsters have to be the same breed to mate.

Can you put a female and male dwarf hamster in the same cage?

Only if you don't mind them having little hamsters.

What if the male is in the cage when your female hamster has babies?

It depends on the species. The female may be aggressive towards the male and the male will stay away or they'll fight, but with Russian dwarf hamsters the father will help.

Can Dwarf hamsters mate other hamsters?

If the male is with the female when she is in heat, they will mate. It's pretty much a given. They should be separated, inbreeding leads to weak litters.

Can 2 female hamsters and a male live together?

No, or yes if you want two mamas if they are dwarf hamsters. If Syrians then no, because they will fight and may even kill each other.