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Vampires. They are MUCH cooler than gods, they have awesome fangs and they live forever. If a vampire bites you, you'll just turn into one and live forever. Where if a god kills you, you'll just die. And a god can kill you easier than a vampire can.

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Q: What is better vampires or gods?
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What are better werewolfs or vampires?

vampires are better enjoy dudes

Do good vampires go to hell?

there is no vampires so it would not go to heaven or hell and we have to believe gods words we should love everybody

What is better of choosing bigfoot or vampires?

I would choose Vampires because they are cooler than Bigfoot.

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Why can't vampires see their reflections in mirrors?

because it's gods way of saying their dead

In what way are humans better than vampires?

Humans are real and vampires aren't. Boom. End of story.

Is believing in vampires sac-religious?

if you mean can you believe in vampire gods/goddesses. then of course you can but... its not a real religion.

Are vampires enemies of God?

Vampires are not enemies of god they fear god. in such proof they Die if in light because Of gods Word "Let There Be Light" Also another pice of evidence that vampires fear god. They Die when in contact with holy water and Holy Crosses

Do people like werewolves or vampires better?

It is a matter of opinion

What did holy water do to vampires?

Vampires are satans henchmen. Holy water is gods blessed water. holy water fights back the evil and burns and eventually kills vampires. I have known holy water to effect a clean spot on a vampire cheek after it was babbled and wiped.

How many vampires are in the twilight series?

There are about 50 vampires in the twilight series and twilight is the best movie in the world (better that Harry Potter).

Which is better vampires or having magic powers?

Magic powers. Vampires are boring, they are just the same as humans only they drink blood.