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Blacklisting is the practice of refusing to hire, or firing someone from his job whose opinions do not agree with management or whose connections with various organizations are deemed to be against the opinion of the industrialists and/or the government. It was used early in the industrial development of the United States when workers were attempting to organize into labor unions to demand safe working conditions, decent pay, and protection from unfair or unsafe industrial working conditions. It is also closely associated with the Cold War era and the period of McCarthyism when workers in many occupations, including movie stars, screen writers, directors and producers, authors and other intellectual persona were accused of being Communists or "fellow travelers." Lists of suspected Union members and organizers, or lists of suspected Communists were often circulated among business and government officials.

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Q: What is blacklisting and who or what was responsible for it?
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What is blacklisting mean?

Blacklisting means putting on a list of individuals or organizations singled out as deserving punishment, with the assumption that they deserve such treatment because of their behavior.

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Is blacklisting a company legal?

yes i think so

Which of these situations would have been considered blacklisting?

Blacklisting would have occurred if a group of employees were denied employment opportunities within an industry due to their participation in a labor strike or union-related activities. It could also be considered blacklisting if an individual was purposely excluded from future job opportunities without just cause.

What country used blacklisting against the US and why?

they were trying to find a place to live

The practice of blacklisting led to an increase in which of these genres of film?

Films based on the Bible

Is there anything you can do to stop your daughter blacklisting your credit and address?

Just tell her that her doing is bad

What does a false judgment mean in blacklisting?

Blacklisting is a wide and complicated issue especially when it pertains to civil creditor vs consumer litigation. In this instance it probably indicates that court records were used to obtain information about a consumer and then place that individual on a "blacklist" of some sort indicating they were a bad credit risk, tenant or whatever is applicable. The faulty recording or interpretation of SMJ's are often the source for acts of blacklisting.

In Hollywood fear of communist subversion led to the?

blacklisting of more than 500 actors directors and writers.

What does blacklisting do?

Puts someone on a blacklist so as to banish or refuse to do business with