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The active process of reflecting before, during, and after teaching in order to make decisions about planning, assessing, and teaching is known as pedagogical reflection. It involves critical analysis of teaching practices, student outcomes, and instructional strategies to improve teaching effectiveness.

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Q: What is called The active process of before teaching during teathinkingching and after teaching in order to make decisions about how to plan assess and teach?
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Is the Concept Attainment Model a direct teaching method?

Yes, the Concept Attainment Model is a direct teaching method that involves presenting students with examples and non-examples to help them understand and identify concepts. This method encourages critical thinking and active participation in the learning process.

What is this method of teaching called?

This method of teaching is called the Socratic method. It involves the use of open-ended questions to stimulate critical thinking and encourage active participation from students.

What is the worst teaching method?

The worst teaching method is one that is solely lecture-based with no interaction or engagement with students. This method does not cater to different learning styles and does not encourage critical thinking or active participation from students.

The adventages of situational picture in the teaching and learning process?

Situational pictures can enhance learning by providing a visual aid that helps students understand concepts in a real-world context. They can improve comprehension, engage students' interest, and make the learning process more interactive and memorable. By using situational pictures, teachers can cater to different learning styles and promote active participation in the classroom.

Does inquiry based teaching say no more content teaching?

No, inquiry-based teaching does not advocate for eliminating content teaching entirely. Instead, it emphasizes using active questioning, critical thinking, and exploration to help students understand and apply the content more deeply. The focus is on fostering curiosity, problem-solving skills, and a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

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