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Q: What is called the circling of spacecraft around the moon?
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The circling of the spacecraft around the moon is called its?


When did Russia send a spacecraft around the moon?

1964 was the year that russia sent a spacecraft around the moon and the astronought that was controlling it was called Benjamin Flood

What is the first spacecraft called that landed on the moon?

The first spacecraft to land on the moon was called the Eagle, after the novel of Jules Verne called From the earth to the moon.

What is a small planet or spacecraft called?

A moon or artificial object orbiting around a planet is called a satellite.

Spacecraft that landed on the moon?

The spacecraft that landed on the moon , was called the Lunar module, The name was The Eagle.

What was the name of the first aircraft on the moon?

The first spacecraft on the moon was called Eagle. After the Jules verne spacecraft.

What was the name of the spacecraft that took the first men to the moon?

Apollo 8 went around the moon, but Apollo 11 landed on the moon, it was called Eagle

What was the spacecraft that the astronauts took from the Apollo 11 to the surface of the Moon called?

The spacecraft that took the astronauts to the moon , was the Lunar module called The Eagle.

What is the moon doing in the orbit?

The moon is circling around the earth following the sun when it goes down

What is a spacecraft that stays in orbit around a planet or moon?


What was the name of the spacecraft that first landed on the moon?

It was the Russian spacecraft, a unmanned one called Luna 2.

What was the name of the spacecraft that carried the astronauts to the moon?

The name of the spacecraft to that carried man to the moon was the Apollo11 and the lunar module was called The Eagle.