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It could be a bad motor mount or mounts. Motor mounts have rubber in them and go between the engine and the frame. Over time the rubber gets brittle and wears out, causing the engine to shake.

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Q: What is causing my car to shake very roughly all the time upon startup idle and driving?
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Why does your engine shake while driving?

Maybe its your motor mounts.

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because when your driving, air goes up under the car. And since a car has a frame, air hits it really hard causing it to shake. example, planes offend have turbulence. its because air is going under the wings the wrong way and making it lose balance and shake. Same thing as the car except its not a plane.

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What is causing your car to shake even while idle?

miss alignment of tires

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Yes, when idling and driving.

What would cause a 1992 automatic Mitsubishi 3000GT to shake when driving at slower speeds and when AC and radio are being used?

It could just be the AC compressor causing the engine to shake when running at lower speed. If it's any more than that, the engine might need a tuneup, motor mounts or possibly a burned valve.