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It sound like either you're losing blood circulation to them or they are being exposed to the sun and they are getting tanner.

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Q: What is causing your toes to get darker?
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Can toes fall off if you have trench foot?

Yes! If your toes are badly damaged, your nerve endings can break down and die, causing your toes to fall off! Ew!

What does stepping on toes means?

2. Fig. to offend or insult someone, as if causing physical pain. You're sure I won't be stepping on her toes if I talk directly to her supervisor? I didn't mean to tread on your toes.

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Occasionally, because of the loss of feeling, the fingers and toes become mutilated and fall off, causing the deformities that are typically associated with the disease.

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Sometimes your toes rub against the side of the shoe while dancing. Your toes could be squeezed in the shoe if the are too small causing blisters.

Why does fat people have camel toes?

because the rain falls in an upwards, spinning motion, causing the earth to rotate around itself. This, in turn, causes grass to grow which causes camel toes.

What color should Paint your toes?

with light skin blues darker skin try a red-pink with very dark skin try a green-or yellow

How is the metatarsal bone displaced causing the formation of a bunion?

This foot bone is displaced in the direction of the four other metatarsals connected with the toes.

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What is onychauxis?

Onychauxis is a mild medical condition in which the nail beds on, most commonly, toes thickens drastically causing the toenail to appear thick and hard.

How do you get a blister between the toe?

A common cause is wearing thong type sandals which rub between the first two toes, often causing blistering.

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Arthritis can happen by wearing out the joints. Such as popping your fingers, toes, and any other body part causing pain in that certain area.

Which candle would burn the fastest white candles or colored candles?

The colored candles because they are darker which attracts heat causing it to melt faster.