

What is cell mutation?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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15y ago

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In prokaryotes cell transformation is an alteration of the cell from the uptake, genomic incorporation, and expression of foreign genetic material.

In eukaryotes this is called transfection. Transformation in eukaryotes is reserved to describe an alteration of the cell that results in a tumor cell phenotype.

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11y ago

A genetic mutation is any change in the base sequence of DNA. These changes can be an insertion, deletion, translocation (moved) or substitution of base pairs.

Because of this change in the DNA sequence, a different or a faulty amino acid will be coded for. This can change chemical pathways. New alleles are created only through mutations and so it is a source for genetic variation in a population.

Not all mutations are necessarily "bad", some may actually benefit the organism.

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15y ago

When a cell replicates using mitosis, the ideal result is a perfectly identical "sister" cell. When a cell replicates and the resulting cell is different than the original cell we call it a mutation.

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13y ago

a mutation in a cell that will produce gametes, or germ cell. This means the mutation will be passed down to the organism's offspring. A somatic cell mutation is a mutation that can occur in all cells besides germ cells.

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11y ago

changing of amino acjd code for particular protein at one point in dna due to external factors & genetic variations

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any event that changes genetic structure; any alteration in the inherited nucleic acid sequence of the genotype of an organism

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A mutation in a sex cell may be passed on to an offspring. A mutation in a somatic (body) cell cannot be passed on to an offspring, but can potentially cause cancer in the person who has the mutation.

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A mutation in a sex cell may be passed on to an offspring. A mutation in a somatic (body) cell cannot be passed on to an offspring, but can potentially cause cancer in the person who has the mutation.

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A mutation in a sex cell can be passed on to an offspring. A mutation in a non-sex cell cannot be passed on to an offspring.

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A mutation in a sex cell may be passed on to an offspring. A mutation in a somatic (body) cell cannot be passed on to an offspring, but can potentially cause cancer in the person who has the mutation.

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A mutation in a sex cell may be passed on to an offspring. A mutation in a somatic (body) cell cannot be passed on to an offspring, but can potentially cause cancer in the person who has the mutation.

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