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Q: What is chapter 10 about in the story Matthew?
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Where in the Bible can you find the story about the demons and the swine?

Matthew chapter 8, Mark chapter 5 and Luke chapter 8.

Who alone among the four Gospel writers told the story of the Three Wise Men?

Matthew, in Chapter 2.

What chapter in wicked lovely is when seth tells a story with aislinn?

Chapter 10 is where Seth tells a story to Aislinn.

Can you read Matthew ninth chapter?

Yes I can read chapter 9 of Matthew.

Where in the bible can you read the christmas story?

The Christmas story is found in the New Testament of the Bible, specifically in the books of Matthew (Matthew 1:18-2:12) and Luke (Luke 2:1-20). These passages recount the birth of Jesus, the visit of the Magi, and the angelic announcement to the shepherds.

What chapter of Matthew are the beatitudes found in?

Matthew 5:1-12

What chapter of the Bible is the story where Herod ordered baby boys to be killed?

(The Gospel according to) St. Matthew 2:16.

How many verses in Chapter 1 in Gospel of Matthew?

There are 25 verses in the first chapter of Matthew.

Where are the beatitdues found in bible?

The Beatitudes are found in Matthew chapter 5.

Who couldn't travel with the three wise men because she had to clean?

You're getting two Bible stories mixed up. There is a story in the Bible in Luke chapter 10 where Mary is sitting at Jesus' feet and listening to Him, while her sister Martha is cleaning the house. The story of the wise men, which was at the time of Jesus' birth, occurred in Matthew chapter 2, but there was nothing in that story about someone not being able to travel with them.

From what book of the Bible was the Gospel reading on Christmas?

The most common chapter for reading the Christmas story is Luke Chapter 2, but it can be found in any of the 4 gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John)

Where is Jesus and the centurion in the bible?

Story of the centurion can be found in Matthew 8:5-10.