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Q: What is chattel real?
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Antonym for chattel?

Chattel is personal property. Its opposite is real property.

How do you use the word 'chattel' in a sentence when it is pertaining to the history of childhood?

Chattel is another term for all personal, rather than real, property. in the history of the childhood many children do not have their own chattel because of low income or poor countries

Is money chattel?

Yes, if you argue the modern catch-all definition of "chattel." Here is the quote from Cornell University Law School's Legal Information Institute: A catch-all category of property mostly associated with movable goods. At common law, chattel included all property that was not real estate and not attached to real estate. Examples included everything from leases, to cows, to clothes. In modern usage, chattel often merely refers to tangible movable personal property.

What subcategory of property is life-supporting equipment such as clothing eating utensils?

Unsure what is being asked - is the word or phrase you are looking for - "chattel?" Chattel is personal property, which is distinguished from real (estate) property.

What is chattel slaves?

Chattel slave is known as slave traditional slave. This is where slaves are treated as chattel.

What is a Chattel?

A chattel is any tangible, movable property, or a slave.

How do you use the word 'chattel' in a sentence?

People do not like to be treated like chattel.

What is a chattel slave?

A chattel slave is a person who is treated as property and bought and sold as if they were an object or commodity. Chattel slavery is a system where individuals are considered personal property with no rights or freedoms.

What is an antonym for chattel?

The answer for an antonym of Chattel is House, Business, and Bones. I hope this answer helped!

Where can one find what chattel actually means?

Encyclopedia says, is generally considered private property that is movable as opposed to real property or real estate, also are called chattels or personalty.

What in terms of slavery what is chattel?

The word "chattel" means any item of property other than freehold land. Thus in terms of slavery, slaves are the chattel of the slave owner.

Is a tipper truck personal chattel?

Chattel? I think we live in different countries It can be personal property or communal property or corporate property I think my definition of property and your use of chattel are the same?