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Q: What is clairgustance?
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What are the types of remote sensing?

Any of your physical senses can be used spiritually/astrally to gain information from a distant location. Clairvoyance would allow you to see things that are happening at a distant location. If you are Clairsentient you could feel physical sensations remotely or even emotions or energies. Clairaudiance would allow you to hear, Clairgustance to taste, and Clairalience to smell. These abilities (especially when grouped together at varying degrees) have been know by other terms as well including remote viewing, astral projection, and E.S.P. (extra-sensory perception).

Does clairvoyance mean to have a connection with the dead?

No, not necessarily. The nature of clairvoyant experiences depend on whether the person is a psychic or a medium, or both.Being a clairvoyant means a psychic or a medium has the ability to 'see' within, or beyond the normal range of sight, or to clearly see things the naked human eye cannot see. Clairvoyance is often confused with other parapsychology terms, like telepathy or as an alternative term for mediumship.Not all psychics and mediums are clairvoyant. Psychics and mediums may have any of combination of a variety of reported 'psychic senses', which may include:clairsentience (sensing)clairaudience (hearing)clairempathy (feeling)clairgustance (tasting)clairalience (smelling)clairtangency (touching)claircognizance (knowing)Psychic Clairvoyance (Intuitive Vision)Being psychic means that a person has the ability to gain access to information that is beyond the normal range of sensory perception, also known as extra sensory perception (ESP). The psychic is able to perceive information about the past, present and future that is outside the scope of the ordinary five senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. Not all psychics are mediums, because not all psychics have mediumship ability.Clairvoyant psychics experience a form of clairvoyance which is best described as 'inner seeing' or the 'second sight'. It involves intuitive mental imagery which they see in their 'mind's eye'. It is similar to normal 'daydreaming', but the main difference is that the images or inner visions that clairvoyants see is unfamiliar or unrecognizable to them. The things the clairvoyant sees is usually something they have no knowledge of or they have never seen before. Some psychics report seeing brief mental 'flashes' while others experience animated visions that can be described as a 'mental movie'.Clairvoyant visions can include diverse imagery that varies from psychic to psychic. It may include among other things archetypal symbols, colors, numbers, letters, sacred geometric shapes, people's faces, or actual scenes or events.The most well-known form of psychic clairvoyance is remote viewing or astral projection, which refers to the ability to see people, objects or places over a long distance. Remote viewing was studied as part of a US military program for twenty years, as well as by the KGB in the former Soviet Union. It has been used with varying degrees of success in a variety of military operations and espionage programs.Another psychic technique, closely associated with clairvoyance is scrying. Scrying is the ability to see visions or images by staring into an object that is translucent, shiny or reflective. The most well-known scrying tool is the crystal ball. Many other things can also be used for scrying, including mirrors, glass, flames, smoke, water and reflective surfaces or polished gemstones. It is a myth that clairvoyants physically see images or shapes inside, or on these objects. The crystal ball only serves as a neutral object to focus the clairvoyant's concentration, while accessing their inner sight. The image is seen in the clairvoyant's mind, not inside the crystal ball.Mediumship Clairvoyance (Paranormal Vision)Mediumship, or being a medium, means that a person has the ability to receive spiritual messages from the afterlife or the unseen realm by communicating with spiritual beings or entities, such as deceased loved ones, spirit guides, ascended masters, or angels. Similar to psychics, mediums also have extra sensory perception (ESP) and the ability to see inner, intuitive images, but some of them are also able to perceive external energy and see spiritual manifestations or paranormal apparitions. A medium with clairvoyant ability is able to see beyond our normal third dimensional reality into the spiritual realm or other planes of existence.Some mediums see energetic manifestations, such as 'light orbs' when there is a strong spiritual presence or reading the aura around a person (the aura is a subtle, luminous electromagnetic energy field that emanates from a person and can be seen as light or colors; it can also be felt as energy by psychics).Some mediums see physical apparitions of spiritual entities and deceased people. Not all spiritual apparitions are 'ghosts' or 'hauntings'. Some apparitions only manifest to bring messages to loved ones by physically appearing to a medium. The reason most spiritual entities manifest in the form of a physical apparition is usually to provide some form of evidence or confirmation to the receiver of the message.Some psychic mediums are able to produce psychic art by creating drawings or portrait sketches of the spiritual entities they sense or see. One of the most famous paranormal artists was the British psychic medium Carol Polge.

I need a list of mystical powers?

Some mystical powers include telekinesis (moving objects with the mind), precognition (seeing the future), teleportation (instantaneous travel), and shape-shifting (changing physical form). These abilities are often depicted in folklore, mythology, and fantasy stories.

Is it possible to see future?

There isn't exactly a way! However, there are some people who have special abilities to see into the future, including visions and dreams. Unfortunately, for the rest of us, seeing into the future isn't a possibility!