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The commonality is the fact that a genocide was perpetrated. An ethnoreligious minority was targeted by a national army with the goal of exterminating those people and millions were wiped off of the face of the planet.

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Q: What is common between the Armenian genocide and the Holocaust?
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Where has genocide occurred during the Holocaust?

Genocide is the mass murder of people of a particular race or origin. The Holocaust was the mass murder of the jews, a group of people sharing in many cases a race or common origin.

Is there an adverb for holocaust?

The word "holocaust" is a noun meaning a fire, or Holocaust meaning a genocide in World war II. The adverb form for the common noun would be the ungainly "holocaustally" or "holocaustically."

How does the forgotten Holocaust relate to the Jewish Holocaust?

There is no one "forgotten Holocaust" as the term applies to any genocide other than the mass murder of 6 million Jews. Some people use the term to refer to the mass-murders of Poles during World War II, the Rape of Nanking and similar atrocities against the Chinese in the Second Sino-Japanese War, the Armenian Genocide, and other similar horrors. The way that these genocides relate to the Jewish Holocaust during World War II, is that they were all mass-murders of innocent people based on their ethnic identity. However, it was the Jewish Holocaust that really brought international attention to this all-too-common problem of genocide and resulted in its identification and criminalization.

What killing device killed the most people in the holocaust?

Holocaust was a genocide of approximately 11 million people including six million Jews by the German Military. The most common method used for exterminating these people was the use of Gas Chambers. Several million people were killed by the use of Gas Chambers between 1941-45.

What do the Holocaust and Rwnadan Genocide have in common?

Well, they are both genocides, a deliberate attempt to wipe out a specific race or species. Also, the genocide's were well organized. There were forced racial/religion markers, in Rwanda people had to have special ID's, the holocaust had yellow stars. Those are some similarities that i know. The main difference is the fact that most people didn't know what was going on in the holocaust and if they did couldn't really escape, but in Rwanda it was broadcasted on the radio, and people were able to escape a little bit more. I hope I helped!

Is the word genocide a noun?

Yes, genocide is a noun, a singular, common, abstract noun.

Why is the holocaust considered genocide?

The Holocaust was a number of distinct genocides operating in parallel. The definition of a genocide is the intentional extermination of a certain racial, ethnic, religious, physically different, or sexually identified group based on their status in that group. The Holocaust has that in spades. Jews, Romani, homosexuals, handicapped, etc. individuals were targeted precisely because of their being in one group or another. Further to the point, the word genocide was coined precisely to discuss the particular crimes committed in the Holocaust.

What are the most popular Armenian last names?

The most common Armenian last names are:Boghossian,Keshishian,Sarkissian.....

What did the Japanese and the Holocaust have in common?

'the Japanese' are a people 'the Holocaust' was an event, there are no factors that can be compared.

How common is the Armenian last name Bedrosyan?

The last name Bedrosyan is relatively common among Armenian families, especially those with roots in historical Armenian communities in regions like Armenia, Turkey, and the Middle East. It is derived from the Armenian version of the name Peter, which is a popular given name among Armenians.

What are facts about the Armenian genocide?

The Armenian Genocide was an extremely tragic event in which Armenians were butchered, massacred, and killed. The Armenian Genocide was carried out by the "Young Turk" government of the Ottoman Empire in 1915-1916 (with subsidiaries to 1922-23). One and a half million Armenians were killed, out of a total of two and a half million Armenians in the Ottoman Empire. Most Armenians in America are children or grandchildren of the survivors, although there are still many survivors amongst us. Armenians all over the world commemorate this great tragedy on April 24, because it was on that day in 1915 when 300 Armenian leaders, writers, thinkers and professionals in Constantinople (present day Istanbul) were rounded up, deported and killed. Also on that day in Constantinople, 5,000 of the poorest Armenians were butchered in the streets and in their homes. The Armenian Genocide was masterminded by the Central Committee of the Young Turk Party (Committee for Union and Progress [Ittihad ve Terakki Cemiyet, in Turkish]) which was dominated by Mehmed Talât [Pasha], Ismail Enver [Pasha], and Ahmed Djemal [Pasha]. They were a racist group whose ideology was articulated by Zia Gökalp, Dr. Mehmed Nazim, and Dr. Behaeddin Shakir. Any common Turks who protected Armenians were killed. First the Armenians in the army were disarmed, placed into labor battalions, and then killed. Then the Armenian political and intellectual leaders were rounded up on April 24, 1915, and then killed. Finally, the remaining Armenians were called from their homes, told they would be relocated, and then marched off to concentration camps in the desert between Jerablus and Deir ez-Zor where they would starve and thirst to death in the burning sun.

Did the concentration camps contribute the holocaust?

Concentration camps were very common during and before the Holocaust.