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In order of increasing energies: # radio waves, passes through ozone. # microwaves, passes through ozone, but there are some resonances in "spinning" the molecule at a few tens of frequencies. # infrared, ozone absorbs some infrared... it is a molecule with more than two atoms. # visible light, very little interaction with all but blue. # ultraviolet light, UV-A passes through, UV-B and UV-C are absorbed. # X-rays, absorbed. # gamma rays, absorbed. Now it is important how much ozone is available along any given path for absorbing the radiation. Gases are very sparse, so "completely absorbed" doesn't happen. In addition, UV-C and more energetic are absorbed by all gases in our atmosphere. Ozone is unique in absorbing UV-B, and shares absorbing infrared with things like methane and water vapor.

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Q: What is completely absorbed by the ozone is it x-rays- gamma rays- visible light- UV- microwaves- radio waves- or infrared waves?
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How are visible light infrared light X-rays gamma rays microwaves and radio waves related?

they are all part of the electro magnet spectrum :)

Why is microwaves found between infrared and radio waves?

the electromagnetic spectrum (all existing radiation) is organized in order of shortest wavelength from the left to longest wavelength from the right. Infrared waves, felt as heat, are slightly longer than the visible light spectrum, and microwaves longer still, and radio waves longer still.

What is the difference between infrared waves and microwaves?

Microwaves are electromagnetic waves that occur on the EMR (Electromagnetic Radiation) scale above radio/tv waves and below infrared and visible light waves. They are used in cooking devices (microwave oven) and as carrier waves for cell phone and other communication devices. In other words, a "microwave" is a type of electromagnetic radiation (like visible light waves, tv waves and so on), and a "microwave oven" is a cooking device that uses microwaves to heat foods by stimulation of the water molecule. See the link below and read the answer posted to the related question for more.

The radio waves with the shortest wavelengths and highest frequencies are called what?

From longest wave length to shortest (least energy to most, lowest frequency to highest) the spectrum is: Radio & TV - Microwaves - Infrared - Visible Light - Ultraviolet - X-Rays - Gamma Rays

Which wave has more energy out of microwaves radio waves infrared waves and visible light waves?

The radio spectrum for communications spans approximately from 150 kHz to 26 MHz. The visible light frequency range is at least 400 THz. No contest -- visible light is at least 15 million times higher in frequency. Energy = Planck's constant * frequency. Hence visible light carries a higher energy.

Related questions

Are infrared rays higher than microwaves?

No, infrared rays have longer wavelengths and lower frequencies than microwaves. Infrared rays fall between the visible and microwaves on the electromagnetic spectrum.

Which waves are shorter than microwaves and longer than visible light?

Infrared Light has a longer wavelength than visible and a shorter wavelength than microwaves.

Infrared radiation is what type of energy?

Infrared radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation that falls between visible light and microwaves on the electromagnetic spectrum. It is commonly known as heat radiation because it is often felt as warmth when absorbed by objects.

Does infrared high or low energy?

Infrared radiation has lower energy than visible light. It falls in the electromagnetic spectrum between microwaves and visible light.

Types of electromagnetic energy from least energetic to most energetic?

Radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays, and gamma rays.

What kind of electromagnetic radiation did the IRAS satellite detect?

visible light, infrared rays, and microwaves

What are the 4 em waves originated from space?

microwaves, ultraviolet light, infrared, visible light

What are 2 electromagnetic waves?

gamma, x-rays, microwaves, visible light, infrared, radio waves

What kinds of things can be found on the other side of the color red in visible spectrum?

Infrared Microwaves radiowaves

What waves are shorter than microwaves and longer than visible light?

the ones we call heat or infrared

Arrange the following types of electromagnetic radiation in order of increasing frequency infrared comic rays visible light microwaves radio waves and ultraviolet?

The order of increasing frequency for the given types of electromagnetic radiation is: radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, gamma rays.

What wavelengths are longer than light but shorter than radio waves?

Infrared light, microwaves and radio waves have wavelengths longer than visible light. Radio waves have the longest wavelength.