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Q: What is compound criteria in queries?
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Two types of compound criteria used in queries are?

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Multiple conditions in a query or filter are called?

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What feature is used in Access to set criteria to select or sort data?

Humans decide what criteria is best for running Queries or Searches. If you display the database as a list of records then you can sort alphabetically from A to Z or the other way around

What is the difference between hql and criteria?

HQL is to perform both select and non-select operations on data, but Criteria is only for selecting data, we can't perform non-select operations using criteria.HQL is suitable for executing static queries, where as Criteria is suitable for dynamic queries.HQL doesn't support pagination concept, but we can achieve pagination with Criteria.Criteria used to take more time to execute than HQL.With Criteria we are safe with SQL injection, because of its dynamic query operation, but in HQL as your queries are either fixed or parametrized , there is no safe for SQL injection.

What is the difference between reports and queries?

query takes a table and given the criteria entered into it it displays the results that meet that search. While a report just spits out a table in the database

What is purity criteria?

The criteria of purity of a compund isÊdetermined at it melting point.ÊA pure compound a definate melting point. While an impure substance has an indefinate melting point.

Why do you create query?

Queries are one of the most powerful and important parts of database. You create databases to store data and retrieve information from them. Queries are the main way of retrieving information. You can show particular data or data that meets certain criteria. They can also do other things, like manipulate or delete data. There is a huge amount of things that can be done with queries. With practice and expertise they can be put to great use. Without queries databases would be practically useless. You would be able to store data, but not do much with it.

What is a filter query?

The idea of a filter is to reduce down the amount of record you get. Usually you won't want to get a list of every record in a database. If it is a list of people, you may only want to get the males or only want to get people who live in a certain town or who are above a certain age. Whatever criteria you are using, you are in effect filtering the data. That is what queries are mainly used for, as most queries don't display all the records, just some that fit certain criteria.

Difference in hibernate 2.0 and hibernate 3.0?

Enhanced Hibernate Query Language Enhanced Hibernate Criteria Query API Enhanced support for queries expressed in the native SQL dialect of the database

What is a codgers queries called?

A codger's queries would simply be called codger's queries.

Is sodium fluoride a organic or inorganic compound?

it is an organic salt but shows some properties of inorganic compound as solubility in water.