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A comprehensive effective curriculum is one that is well-rounded, covering all necessary subjects and skills while also incorporating current research and best practices in education. It should be aligned with learning standards, promote critical thinking and problem-solving, and cater to diverse learning needs. Additionally, a comprehensive effective curriculum should be continually evaluated and updated to ensure student success.

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Why curriculum development is more effective if it is a comprehensive process rather than a piecemeal?

Comprehensive curriculum development ensures that all aspects of a program are aligned and work together cohesively to meet learning goals. Piecemeal development can lead to gaps or inconsistencies in the curriculum, resulting in a fragmented learning experience for students. By taking a comprehensive approach, educators can better ensure that the curriculum is well-structured, sequenced, and scaffolded to support student learning effectively.

What is CRPES in curriculum?

CRPES is a framework used in curriculum development that stands for Content, Relationship, Pedagogy, Environment, and Students. It helps educators create a structured and comprehensive curriculum that takes into account these key components to ensure effective teaching and learning.

Who should plan the curriculum?

Curriculum planning is typically led by educators, curriculum specialists, and school administrators who work collaboratively to design a comprehensive and effective educational program. It is important for curriculum planning to be inclusive, drawing on input from various stakeholders such as teachers, students, parents, and community members to ensure that the curriculum meets the needs and goals of the learners.

What are the dimensions of curriculum?

This cannot be answered as asked. "Dimensions" are a set of physical measurements, curriculum design is a process. Perhaps you meant "aspects of curriculum design"?

What is an effective curriculum?

An effective curriculum is one that is well-aligned with educational goals, engaging for students, and relevant to their lives. It should be designed to promote critical thinking, problem-solving, and a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Additionally, an effective curriculum should be flexible and adaptable to meet the needs of diverse learners.

Related questions

How does education related to Curriculum?

Education is the broader concept that encompasses the process of learning and acquiring knowledge and skills. Curriculum refers to the specific plan or set of courses and educational experiences designed by institutions to facilitate learning. In other words, education is the overarching goal, while curriculum is the organized structure implemented to achieve that goal.

What is the role of faculty members in the curriculum implementation?

A faculty member is critical in the process of curriculum implementation. Once a curriculum has been devised, it is up to a faculty member to find an effective way of using the curriculum in the teaching process.

Where can you find a comprehensive year long elementary art curriculum for grades k through 5?

One place that a person can find a comprehensive year long elementary art curriculum for grades K through 5 is at the Rockwood School District website. The curriculum was first revised in the year of 2009.

What is curriculum transaction?

Curriculum transaction refers to the interaction between the teacher, the students, and the curriculum content during the teaching and learning process. It involves the methods, strategies, and activities employed by the teacher to facilitate the students' understanding and engagement with the curriculum. Effective curriculum transaction aims to make the learning experience meaningful, relevant, and engaging for the students.

Where can I find a Christian school curriculum?

The Christian institute ( has a comprehensive guide to Christian education and offers a more specific Christian homeschool curriculum.

What is comprehensive cv?

Curriculum vitae.A résumé :A brief account of your personal details when applying for a job.

What is a comprehensive CV?

Curriculum vitae.A résumé :A brief account of your personal details when applying for a job.

What did students learn at Plato's academy?

The academy in Athens had a comprehensive curriculum that included subjects such as astronomy, biology, mathematics, political theory, philosophy and medicine. The academy in Athens had a comprehensive curriculum that included subjects such as astronomy, biology, mathematics, political theory, philosophy and medicine.

Class schedule and room assignment and teacher's assignment how these contribute in the effective implementation of the curriculum?

The class schedule, room assignment, and teacher's assignment are all factors in effective implementation of the curriculum. The teacher for example should be placed in with the topic they are most comfortable covering in order to effectively contribute to the curriculum.

Who conducted the curriculum evaluation of the school?

The curriculum evaluation of the school was conducted by an external team of education specialists and evaluators. They assessed the curriculum based on educational standards, learning outcomes, student performance data, and feedback from teachers and students to provide a comprehensive evaluation report.

Why you need to know and understand the six features of the curriculum?

we need to understand the curriculum because as a future teacher all of the six features of curriculum are related to our profession.

What is Cathy Duffy best known for?

Cathy Duffy is known for her work as an educator and curriculum specialist. She designs curriculum for homeschoolers, and has written books on the most effective ways to homeschool children.