

What is computerized maintenance management?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What is computerized maintenance management?
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What do computerized maintenance management software do?

Computerized Maintenance Management Software (CMMS) maintains a computer database of a company's maintenance operations. This information helps maintenance workers do their job properly.

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What is the definition of a CMMS System?

Computerized maintenance management system or CMMS for short, keeps a database of maintenance operations to aid the workers to keep track of what equipment needs maintenance or which stockrooms have the replacement parts they require. It aids the management by analyzing machine breakdown repair costs over preemptive maintenance.

What does a Computerized Maintenance Management System package contain?

It contains protection software to prevent issues with computers. They have Maintenance protection to prevent machine breakdowns and keeps machines running properly.

Can you recommend some computerized maintenance programs?

CMMS - Predictive Maintenance , Maintenance Software

What is enterprise asset management software used for?

Enterprise Asset Management Software is used mainly for the whole life optimal management of computerized maintenance management system. It helps facilities maintain and manage performance goals, and stick to those goals.

Im looking for a Computerized maintenance management system that has local support in South Africa?

Try, they have developed a CMMS called Onkey which is very good.

What is cmm level in software industry?

All of our Computerized Maintenance Management Softwarepackages are full-featured Work Order and Equipment Maintenance Software integrating Asset Management, Inventory, Purchasing and PDA Technology and much, much more.For more details :

What has the author Charles G Laganas written?

Charles G. Laganas has written: 'Evaluation of a computerized maintenance management program for complex electronic equipment in northerly and remote regions'

What is the purpose of a computerized maintenance management systems software package?

This Management system is used for filing and keeping all system information about the maintenance and operations of the system . Like building a report on which machines need to be fixed or serviced, or which room has the correct spare parts you are looking for.

What is the most popular computerized maintenance software?

The most popular computerized maintenance software is emaint and details of the product can be found at the companies website. They offer bespoke and off the shelf software and rated by users as the best maintenance software provider

What does a maintenance engineer do?

maintenance engineers plan the routine maintenance of equipment & machinery,maintenance engineer work in manufacturing ,production or transport and may use computerized system to scheduled the work