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Q: What is concitered a probable cause to search a minor?
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Can a minors car be searched without the consent of the parent in Oregon?

Yes, if there is consent by the minor, probable cause, a warrant, an arrest, or other authorization to search them

Can you get searched without a parent?

No, because it will break the fourth amendment stating that no unreasonable searches or seizures can be preformed. The police also need probable cause and the permission of the parents as a witness to search a minor.

Can i minor get searched that's not on probation and without probable cause by just sitting on a girlfriends steps and was never asked to be searched was this an illegal search?

This was absolutly an illegal search.... As long as there wasn't a crime happening like if you were drinking or something cops have no right to search you... Dont be foolish like i was get a lawyer right away

Can a police officer search a minor?

Yes, there are circumstances where this is possible. If the minor was running from police and they have reason to believe he or she is hiding in a home, the police may pursue the minor. Also, if the police have reason to believe that the minor was involved in a serious crime, they may detain or arrest him or her. (But under most circumstances, a minor cannot be questioned without an adult present.) And it should also be noted that laws about where and when a juvenile can be arrested vary from state to state. On the other hand, under most circumstances, the police may not enter a home looking for evidence without first obtaining a search warrant; in that situation, police must have the warrant in hand before they are allowed to conduct a search. The Fourth Amendment protects minors, just as it protects adults, from unreasonable searches and seizures.

You are accused of touching a minor girl will you be arrested?

The way the question is worded it implies that the questioner is not a minor themselves. If that assumption is true, the report WILL be vigorously investigate and if probable cause is found that you DID do it, you will be arrested. Even if the alleged perpetrator IS a minor themselves, it may bring charges against you in juvenile court.

If a officer is called to your house for a noise complaint and sees alcohol present from opening the door does that give them the right to enter your home without a warrant to look for minor drinkers?

probable cause can be almost anything

What constitutes an illegal search?

A search by law enforcement that is not supported by at least articulable reasonable suspicion. See: A search that takes place without a warrant and without probable cause. Probable cause requires a reasonable articulable suspicion that a crime has been committed or is about to be committed. It is more than a mere hunch. For more information, see the related links below.

What is the solid in solid solution of 2 metals called?

You think probable to a minor alloying component as a solute.

Can a store employee search a minor shoplifting suspect?

No, they can detain you, but have to wait for the authorities to perform a search

Can you leave your house at 16 without parent consent in michigan?

If you are reported missing, then yes. You will be entered into NCIC, a national crime database and a bolo (be on the lookout for) notice will be put out to area officers. If located, you will be brought home. * Only if the parents file a report. An absentee minor is designated as one whose whereabouts is known, in this type of case the parents would need to get a court order for a minor who is at least 17, unless that person is considered to be in an unsuitable enviroment. A missing person report is treated differently, the authorities are notified to watch for the minor but they will not conduct an active search unless foul play is indicated or a court order is issued. Leaving home is NOT a criminal offense it is considered a status violation of a minor. The minor would not be entered into the NCIC as he or she has not committed a crime.

What can cause me to become lightheaded very tired and have very dry mouth?

Dehydration is a probable cause. It could also be due to a sinus infection. The infection (if severe enough) can cause dizziness, tiredness and a very dry mouth. Also, certain medications can cause this. It would be a good idea to have your doctor examine you, to rule out any possible serious illnesses, and to rule out a minor stroke or heart attack.

Can you hand a search warrant to a minor?

It is unclear what the questioner is asking. Law enforcement doesn't "hand' search warrants to anybody. If the question is asking about the search warrant being SERVED when there is no one home but a minor. . . yes, a search warrant can be served at anytime, even if nobody is at home.