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In the context of adult sexual relationships it means that BOTH parties are willing and consenting to the act of intercourse with one another. In the case of STATUTORY Rape, there is no such thing as CONSENT. The law (the Statute) makes the legal assumption that a minor is legally incapable of granting their consent.

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Q: What is consent in adult relationships?
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Age of consent is 16 so no sex before that. Dating is legal if the parents consent.

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In Michigan, the age of consent is 16. This means that individuals who are 16 years or older can legally consent to engage in sexual activity. However, there are certain factors and laws that must be considered, such as the "Romeo and Juliet" law, which provides additional protections for consensual sexual relationships between minors who are close in age. It is important to consult the specific statutes and seek legal advice to fully understand Michigan's laws on consent.

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The parents can give them consent to move out. Without it they will have to be an adult.

Can a 15 year old move in with another adult with parental permission in Michigan?

Yes, unless you are moving in with the adult to engage in sexual relations. You are below the age of consent, and your parent and the adult you have moved in with could be arrested and prosecuted. Your parents cannot consent for you.

At what age are you conciderd an adult in Texas?

'adult' is defined at age 18. However, the age for sexual consent is 17.

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How old you have to be to get your navel pierced?

If you are not a legal adult you need your parents consent.

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not without child's consent..

If a girl is 18 and her boyfriend just turned 16 and she is 3 weeks' pregnant can they get married in West Viginia or will she go to jail?

The 16 year old would have to have parental consent. The laws involving adult/minor sexual relationships are always 'sticky' so I can't really answer your question, but I can tell you that in WV the age of sexual consent is 16.

You are 13 and gay and grabed your cousins penis?

It's important to understand that sexual behavior with someone who is not able to give consent, like a cousin, is not appropriate or legal. It's crucial to seek guidance from a trusted adult or counselor to address these actions and understand boundaries in relationships. Remember that respect and consent are essential in any type of relationship.