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Walking around in a Hitler costume.

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Q: What is considered disrespectful in Israel?
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Is skrewed considered a bad word?

its not considered a swear, but it is considered disrespectful and rude,

What are Israel Turkey Lebanon considered as?

Israel, Turkey, and Lebanon are considered middle east countries.

Is Israel an Arab country?

No. Israel is a considered to be the Jewish State. Palestine is considered an Arab country.

Why is it considered disrespectful to cross your legs in Thailand?

Not really maybe it seems kind of Snobby

What is considered to be the birthplace of Judaism?

It is Israel.

Is goddamnit a swear?

Yes, "goddamnit" is considered a swear word because it combines the word "God" with a profanity. It is considered disrespectful or offensive to some people.

Is it considered abuse if you smack your 11-year-old for being disrespectful?

No, not unless the smack leaves a mark such as a bruise.

Is sitting down during singing the national anthem a crime?

No it isn't, It is just considered rude and disrespectful to America.

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Why is it disrespectful to wear hats in school?

Wearing hats in school is often seen as disrespectful because it is a tradition that comes from a time when hats were associated with outdoor spaces and activities. In a school setting, it is considered proper etiquette to remove hats as a sign of respect and to show that you are focused and engaged in learning.

Is it wrong to spit on people?

Yes, it is a disgusting and disrespectful thing to do. In some places, it is even considered assault, and you can be criminally charged.

Why is not standing while the flag is being raised considered disrespectful?

many people take it as you not caring about your country and what people have fought for