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Q: What is considered high levels of CO2?
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What are the symptoms of high CO2 levels?

what is considered high levels of co2

Can high Co2 levels cause a stroke?

yes and strock can cause high co2

What is above normal levels of carbon dioxide?

Above 400 ppm of co2 would be considered high.

What are bodily symptoms of increased CO2 levels?

Increase in confusion, and finally loss of consciousness, coma and death (with high enough CO2 levels).

Explain what would happen to CO2 and nox if the co levels were high?

CO2 levels would go down because CO2 is an efficiency indicator and high co levels means it would be a rich condition so efficiency would be low and in a rich condition nox goes down

What is considered a high triglyceride level?

Triglyceride levels ranging from 400-1000 mg/dL are considered high and levels greater than 1000 mg/ dL are considered very high.

What are normal co2 levels in the body?

What are normal CO2 levels in the human bod

What is a high triglyceride level?

Triglyceride levels ranging from 400-1000 mg/dL are considered high and levels greater than 1000 mg/ dL are considered very high.

What does your graph indicate about the general change in CO2 levels since 1800?

5. One of the scenarios considered in many global warming models is a doubling of atmospheric CO2

Can you get brain damage from high levels of co2?

The brain and lungs continually use an O2-CO2 feedback mechanism. High CO2 in the body triggers us to breathe. High CO2 in the air, however, eventually cause us to stop breathing after period of deceased oxygen. This causes brain damage and can cause organ damage.

The concept of fire prevention is to?

Preserve the land and keep out high levels of CO2 also known as carbon dioxide.

What is a dangerous level of CO2 in the blood?

Anything over 29 mEq/L is considered dangerous. Some things that can cause high levels include breathing disorders, Cushing syndrome, hyperaldosternoism, and vomiting.