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Q: What is correct terms for a Fear of dropping things?
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What is the correct term for fear of death?

Necrophobia is the fear of death or dead things.

What is the correct phobia term for the fear of losing personal possessions or other things?

This isn't a specific fear of losing something, but Athazagoraphobia is fear of forgetting something. If you forgot where you put it, it's lost!

What do teenagers fear?

they fear drugs,drinking dropping out,pregancy gangs violence in the schools, sexually transmitted diseases,suicide and AIDS

Correct phobia for fear of golf?

Yes, a phobia is just an irrational fear of something. I can think of few things that it's more irrational to be scared of than golf carts.

What phobia is the fear of air?

AnswerpanthophobiaThe correct name actually is not panthophobia,which is listed as the fear of Suffering and disease. The correct name for fear of air is Anemophobia

What phobia is the fear of Greek terms?

Hellenologophobia is the name of the phobia relating to the fear of Greek terms

What did Truman fear about dropping the atomic bomb?

That it wouldnt work or that the Earth would catch fire.

Correct term for fear of getting hurt?

There is fear of pain which is algophobia.

What is the fear of legs called?

No idea However scelido is a Greek stem meaning limb and cnem is part of a Greek stem meaning leg Thus scelidophobia (literally fear of limbs) or cnemophobia (literally fear of legs) are words that can be made up and may well pass as the correct terms

What is the fear of firemen called?

Arsonphobia and Pyrophobia are both terms for the fear of fire. There is no named phobia for the fear of firefighters.

What is the correct term for a fear of hobos?

Fear of hobos is sometimes known as hobophobia.

How do you spell fear?

That is the correct spelling of "fear" (emotional response to possible harm).