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Q: What is council of bishops called?
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Pope Pius V called for the First Vatican Council.

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What role did Constantine have in the Council of Nicea?

A:Constantine called the First Council of Nicaea, with the objective of getting agreement among the bishops on matters of theology. As emperor, he regarded himself as the supreme leader of the Christian Church, but allowed the bishops to reach their own consensus at the Council.

How many people were on the Council of Trent?

The Council of Trent was called in 1545 and disbanded in 1563, but it actually met and discussed for only about four and a half years. It started out with 50 theologians and 31 Bishops, by its end it had 270 Bishops, or less than half of the Catholic bishops at that time.

The gathering of Italian Bishops to discuss the Catholic response to the Protestant Reformation was called what?

The gathering of Italian Bishops to discuss the Catholic response to the Protestant Reformation was called the Council of Trent.

What people played major roles in Council of Trent?

Although the Pope called the Council of Trent, he didn't play an active role or attend. At the first Council of Trent , 31 out of a total of 700 bishops attended , and 50 theologians showed up. By the second meeting, 270 bishops, mostly Italian attended.

Who called the council of Trent to defend Catholicism?

I believe it was summoned by Pope Paul III because when he was elected Pope, he promised (to French Bishops in exchange for their vote?) to summon a council.

How many delegates were in the council of Nicaea?

The Council of Nicaea in 325 AD had around 300 bishops who represented various Christian communities from across the Roman Empire.

What was the Council of Clermont?

It was where the Urban incited bishops and nobles to action.

What were the major players of the council of Trent names?

The major players at the Council of Trent were Pope Paul III, who called for the council, and key figures such as Cardinal Giovanni Morone and Cardinal Reginald Pole. The council was attended by bishops, theologians, and papal legates who played significant roles in shaping the decisions and reforms of the council.

What does NCCB stand for?

NCCB stands for the National Council of Catholic Bishops.

What is council the collective noun for?

The noun 'council' is not a standard collective noun for a specific group. The noun 'council' can be used as a collective noun for any group for which it suits the context, such as a council of legislators, or a council of bishops.