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"Common Era", or "CE" is a term used to refer to the era that is most commonly used around the world to number the years. It is a modern secular euphemism for "Anno Domini", or "AD", which is a Latin phrase that is translated to mean "in the year of the Lord". This is either the year 2011 AD or 2011 CE.

The reason the "Common Era" terminology came about was to remove Christian references to Jesus in the calendar notation. It is also called "Christian Era" or "Current Era".

The difference between "before common era" and "common era" is the estimated birth year of Jesus Christ as proposed by Dionysius Exiguus in the 6th century AD/CE. In this he was in apparent error - the Gospel of Matthew places it during Herod the Great's reign which would be about 6 BCE, whild Gospel of Luke puts it in Quirinius' census - about 6 CE.

We are accepting the Common-era name to get uniformity in world dating as most of the world is not Christian, and not using the BC/AD label makes it easier for them to accept this beneficial uniformity.

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Q: What is difference between before common era and common era?
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- Before Current Era - Before Christian Era - Before Christ

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AD stands for "anno Domini" BC stands for "before Christ"

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AD = CE or Common Era or Christian Era BC = BCE or Before Common Era or Before Christian Era

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Yes it is. BCE stands for "before common era" or Before Christian Era. Don't get confused, it is a way of referring to dates independently from religion. the hundreds get closer to the common era than the thousands.

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BCE= Before Common Era CE= Common Era These abbreviations are used instead of BC (Before Christ) and AD (Anno Domini, "In the year of the Lord") as being more inclusive, especially for non-Christians.

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The Common Era is the secular name applied to the dating system based on the birth of Jesus. Before Common Era (BCE) is equivalent to Before Christ (BC) and Common Era (CE) is equivalent to Anno Domini (AD)--Anno Domini translates to "In the Year of Our Lord." So, in a sense, the only difference between the dating systems is in their names. Therefore, 2009 CE is the same as AD 2009.This is a good compromise which helps the world communicate easily without forcing the majority - non-Christians - to adopt another religion's story.