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"Defrost" is used to denote the removal of ice. You defrost a freezer or the windows of your car.

"Thaw" is when something changes from frozen to un-frozen. You thaw out a piece of meat and the ground thaws in Spring.

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Q: What is difference between defrosting and thawing?
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Related questions

What is the difference between defrosing and cleaning the refrigerator?

Cleaning is the removal of mess. Defrosting is the removal of built-up ice that grew from the condensation of water in the air within the fridge.

Explain the difference between mechanical and chemical weathering?

In chemical weathering, there is a chemical reaction that causes weathering. Mechanical weathering is caused by fire, abrasions of water along a surface, animals, or freezing and thawing.

What does defrosting fridges do?

Defrosting gets rid of any ice that's frozen in the refrigerator and freezer.

How do you decide if meat or poultry needs defrosting before cooking it?

You have to press it with your finger, and if it bounces back, and it is soft, it doesn't need defrosting. However, if it is hard, and does not bounce back, then it needs defrosting.

What does thawing do to cantaloupes?

It tastes worse after thawing and is more soft.

Freezing and thawing are examples of?

Freezing and Thawing is an example of Mechanical Weathering.

Where and how is defrosting undertaken?

Defrosting takes place in most machines where frost forms. That is refrigerators, freezers, on aircraft, automobile windshields to name but a few. Defrosting may be done by heating above freezing or by the application of chemicals.

How does thawing and freezing of water cause weather?

by the coldness of freezing and the warmness of thawing

Poultry how long can be kept in fridge after thawing?

Cook it within a day or two of thawing.

What is freezing and thawing and freezing again?

the result of freezing and thawing and freezing is frost boil

What literary device is used in to the thawing wind?

Personification is used in the phrase "thawing wind" as the wind is attributed with the human characteristic of causing thawing.

Does defrosting rice make it dangerous to eat?
