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There s a very distinct difference between these two medical terms a fracture happens to do with the bones alignment with another bone and a sprang had to do with the bone and the body like a leg has not many bones to it probably the least in the body is when it jolts a direction that means it will not hit another bone causing a sprang and a fracture is like a broken bone but can be worse a fracture is meaning that you break a whole set of bones because one bone of your body was out of line

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Q: What is different between fracture and sprains?
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Related questions

Where are fractures and sprains best treated?

At a fracture clinic.

How are strains diagnosed?

Grade I sprains and mild strains are usually self-diagnosed. Grade II and III sprains are often seen by a physician, who x rays the area to differentiate between a sprain and a fracture.

How are treatments for strains sprains and fracture alike?

all treatments must allow the injured parts to rest

What are the different types of sprains?


What is the difference between the different type of ankle sprains?

Ankle sprains are defined the the location and severity of the overstretch or tear. An ankle sprain can range from grade 1 to 3 based on whether the sprain was mild, or represented a complete tear, or something in-between.

What is the different between failure and fracture?

failure-loss of load carrying capacity. fracture-breaking of material in two piece due to application of load.

Explain the difference between cleavage and fracture.?

Cleavage is when you can break the rock into square like pieces and Fracture is when you break a rock into uneven different shaped pieces.

What is the difference between a hair line fracture and a fracture?

hair line fracture

What are the classifications of sprains?

There are three grades of sprains. Grade I sprains. Grade II sprains. Grade III, or third degree, sprains

What is the different between a green stick fracture and a compound fracture?

A green stick fracture is when the bone is not broken but is twisted or bent out of the normal position. A compound fracture is when the bone completely breaks and parts of the bone penetrate the soft tissue and go through the skin from the inside.

What is the difference between a fracture and a hairline fracture?

It's a fracture you can only see on an x-ray.

What is the difference between and a avulsion fracture and a fracture?

An avulsion fracture is when you pull a ligament or tendon from a bone and a piece of that bone comes with it. It is not actually a "fracture". A fracture is a break.