

What is dinovite for dogs?

Updated: 11/17/2022
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14y ago

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Dinovite ® provides the digestive enzymes, Direct Fed Microbials and delicate nutrients to help your dog be healthy. By aiding digestion and the absorption of delicate nutrients supporting his immune system, Dinovite helps your dog nutritionally.

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Do All Pets Need a Supplement? This is a question that is being asked more and more. The real question to ask is this, "Do YOUR pets need a supplement?"

Healthy dogs and cats are a pleasure. They should be a wonderful part of the family and a joy to be around. Yet many pets are plagued with skin issues like dermatitis, hot spots, hair loss and more. Healthy dogs and cats should not itch and scratch, stink, shed like crazy, keep you up nights and cost thousands at the vet. So what gives?

"You are what you eat..."

We have heard it since we've been children, "you are what you eat." Children, left to themselves, would not choose a balanced diet. However animals are quite different, they actually would. They instinctively know what they need and actually hunt toward getting it in the wild.

What would your dog or cat eat if they were ferrel? Cats are obligate carnivores, which means they are designed to exclusively eat meat and would do so in the wild. Dogs, by design, are omnivores but tend to eat like carnivores in the wild. In other words, they prefer meat but will eat whatever is available.

Dogs and cats, in the wild, are "whole food" shoppers. When they eat they consume the whole animal, even the yucky stuff inside with all the enzymes and bacteria.

Why they need the "yucky stuff"

The enzymes and good bacteria fortifies their digestive tract which is a very acid environment. The acid environment aids in the breakdown of bone and other matter. The rapid breakdown is important since their digestive tracts are very short indeed - they must absorb the nutrients from what they eat quickly or it simply passes their system as waste.

What's this have to do with supplements?

Commercial pet foods are cooked. In fact, they have the "health" cooked right out of them. Heat is the natural enemy of nutrition and because of the quality of the ingredients used, they MUST use a heat process to kill bacteria such as ecoli, salmonella and others. In so doing, they rob your buddy of what he needs to be as healthy as possible.

So if they are not getting what they need in their system to breakdown food and absorb nutrients as it is designed, is it any wonder they have problems?

Dinovite Supplements puts back what's missing

Since you're probably not going to let your pet run wild and catch it's next meal, then YES is the answer to the first question - Your pets health will benefit from the ingredients in our supplements.

Just like their human counterpart, supplements for pets work from the inside out. They begin to change the internal environment over time. That's why we have our 90 Day Guarantee. Our supplements are not a magic potion (though some customers think so). If the issue is nutritional we believe our supplements will help. If you're not satisfied, you have 180 days from your purchase date to request a refund of what you purchased - it's that easy!

Supplementation seems expensive

There are two issues at play here; PRICE and COST.

Price is a one time event. You probably do not remember what you paid for the last pair of shoes you bought (assuming it wasn't just a few days ago). However you can probably, with great clarity, remember the last great pair of shoes you owned, your favorite car, etc.

Cost is in another category altogether. Cost can, and does, accrue over time. If we don't regularly clean and wax our new shoes, there is a cost. We'll need new shoes faster. If we don't regularly change the oil and filter in our cars, it will cost in mileage and repairs. If we, or our pets, do not eat well - there may be no difference in the price at the time, but the costs could be catastrophic.

You won't know what they're missing

Honestly, neither of us know if our supplements will help your pet. The only way to be sure is to use it. Get a 90 day supply of Dinovite Supplements and see the difference it can make. If you are not satisfied, simply call us to arrange a full refund of your purchase.

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Is there a cheaper version of dinovite i have 4 dogs and Dinovite is expensive?

Actually, Dinovite supplements are about the best on the market right now, using high quality nutrients including human grade and organic, whole food nutrients. There's nothing artificial or imported in them. For you to actually purchase ingredients like this and try to get the right balance would be a lot more expensive and difficult. I used to try to buy different products like Nzymes, pet tabs, etc. and it got more expensive and really crazy trying to give all these different things to my dogs (and I have quite a few too!) In the end, I figured that what I saved in vet bills for just my one dog (who used to be the KING of itch and shed and required steroids and antibiotics a few times a year), I could buy the Dinovite. At one point, my vet recommended Atopica, which was over the top expensive and really didn't work! At least the Dinovite works. I can call and talk to a person who knows about the products and they gave me wonderful advice for getting off prescription dog food onto a mid-range priced food that is actually better for my dogs.

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The possessive form of the plural noun dogs is dogs'.The dogs stay:in a dogs' kennelin the dogs' housesin the dogs' owners' housesin the dogs' cages at the pet shop

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Collective nouns for dogs is a pack of dogs or a kennel of dogs. A list of collective nouns for dogs is: A kennel of dogs. (general) A litter of dogs. (puppies) A pack/cry/mute of dogs. (hounds) A cowardice of dogs. (curs) A pack of dogs. (wild)

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Can dogs get fleas?

Some dogs can. Not all dogs.

What is called a pack of dogs?

a pack of dogs is called a kennel

What kind of work do dogs do?

Therapy work, emotional support, sight dogs ,hearing dogs, seziure alert/support dogs, police dogs, rescue dogs , est.