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present indicative is the regular present tense in Spanish.

ex: I talk. (yo hablo)

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Q: What is does the present indicative in spanish mean?
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What does the Spanish phrase 'vive en' mean?

The Spanish phrase 'vive en' means [he/she/it] lives in... . In the word-by-word translation, the verb 'vive' is the third person singular form in the present indicative tense. And the preposition 'en' means 'in'.

What is the present tense of caminar?

There are two moods for present tense conjugation in Spanish: indicative and subjunctive. The indicative is used most commonly and is usually the first mood taught when learning Spanish.IndicativeYo caminoTú caminasElla/Él/Usted caminaNosotros caminamosVosotros camináisEllos/Ustedes caminanSubjunctiveYo camineTú caminesElla/Él/Usted camineNosotros caminemosVosotros caminéisEllos/Ustedes caminen

What does 'peut' mean in English?

The verb 'peut' is in the third person singular. It's in the present indicative tense. And its meaning is [he/she/it] can.

What is 'Tu eres grande' when translated from Spanish to English?

"You are great!" is a literal English equivalent of the Spanish phrase ¡Tu eres grande! The pronunciation of the exclamation in the second person informal singular of the present indicative will be "too air-ess GRAN-dey" in Spanish.

What is the present tense of hablar?

There are two moods for present tense conjugation in Spanish: indicative and subjunctive. The indicative is used most commonly and is usually the first mood taught when learning Spanish.IndicativeYo habloTú hablasElla/Él/Usted hablaNosotros hablamosVosotros habláisEllos/Ustedes hablanSubjunctiveYo hableTú hablesElla/Él/Usted hableNosotros hablemosVosotros habléisEllos/Ustedes hablen

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Estudiar Estudiando (Sometimes) (and all the conjugations in present indicative)

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"Contienen" is the present indicative form of the verb "contener," which means to contain.

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Examples of present indefinite negative tense include: "I do not eat meat," "She does not speak Spanish," "They do not work on weekends."

What is the duration of Present Indicative?

The duration of Present Indicative is 1.85 hours.

When was Present Indicative created?

Present Indicative was created on 1972-01-13.

What does the Spanish phrase 'vive en' mean?

The Spanish phrase 'vive en' means [he/she/it] lives in... . In the word-by-word translation, the verb 'vive' is the third person singular form in the present indicative tense. And the preposition 'en' means 'in'.

What is 'como' when translated from Spanish to Italian?

Mangio is an Italian equivalent of the Spanish word como.Specifically, both words function as verbs in the first person of the present indicative. They both mean "(I) am eating, do eat, eat." The pronunciation will be "MAN-djo" in Italian and "KO-mo" in Spanish.

What is 'Diamo' when translated from Italian to Spanish?

Damos in the indicative and Demos in the imperative and subjunctive are literal Spanish equivalents of the Italian word Diamo. The Italian verb in question serves as the present imperative "(Let us) give!" or the present indicative "We are giving (do give, give)" or the present subjunctive "(That) we may give" depending upon context. The respective pronunciations will be "DA-mos" and "DEY-mos" in Spanish and "DYA-mo" in Italian.

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How do say to have in Spanish?

tener = to have (presente de indicativo) present indicative tengo - I have tienes - you (singular, informal) have tiene - you (formal, singular) have/ he/she/it has tenemos - we have tienen - you (formal, plural)/they have tenéis - you (plural, informal) have *Also "haber" He, has, ha, hemos, habéis, han (presente de indicativo) present indicative But there are another 17 Spanish tenses for these and all the verbs.