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Q: What is effect of Plastic and other garbage are burned?
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Plastics and others garbage are burned?

Yes, sometimes. It is much better to recycle plastics for two reasons: one, burning plastic releases dangerous chemicals, and two, recycling plastic saves energy and oil.Burning garbage releases carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, as well as other dangerous toxins. Much of what is classed as garbage can actually be recycled. The absolute minimum should be burned or buried in landfill.

How dry garbage is recycled?

Dry garbage is manufactured goods that do not decompose easily such as metal, glass, and plastic. While recycling is available for most forms of dry garbage, and composting of wet garbage can be done quite easily at home, most garbage, wet and dry, are disposed of via municipal and private waste contractors. It is typically buried in landfills, incinerated in large furnaces, or dumped at sea

What are two possible uses of recycled plastic bottles?

Most recycled plastic bottles are recycled into... plastic bottles, especially PET plastic, the one with the Number 1 in the triangle. Other kinds of plastic bottles can be again made into similar plastic bottles, or they can be "downcycled", that is, combined with other plastics to make things like garbage bins and garden furniture.

How do you throw out a large plastic garbage can?

Put it in a larger garbage can if you have one, or put it with your other trash just laid aside. The best way is to cut it in half, or into pieces, so that it cannot be mistaken for a receptacle anymore.

Has any sealife used plastic waste as a habitat frequently?

hermit crabs sometimes use plastic bottle caps. they also use other human garbage like coke cans.

Are black garbage bags safe to put food in?

No, not to store food to be eaten later. Use a food grade plastic or other container.

Which is the most common type of debris that litters the oceans?

Plastic. Plastic will usually float. There are vast areas in the "doldrums" of the oceans where millions of tons of plastic bottles, fishing nets and other plastic garbage are floating. These areas of ocean are called 'gyres' where the currents move around in one gigantic but slow-moving whirlpool. The largest is called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, and is found in the North Pacific Gyre. The plastic gradually breaks down into tiny pellets, which are swallowed by whales and other marine life as they resemble plankton. See the link below.

Can you put styrofoam in your garbage disposal?

No. Foam and other lightweight plastic cannot be dissolved or properly pulverized, and will float in the disposer or the drain. Plastic utensils and plastic bags should also never be allowed to enter the disposal, as they may seriously jam or damage it.

How do trash cans effect earth science?

The chemicals in plastic trash cans can effect birds and other wildlife. When plastic breaks down in the environment, it can affect the environment. The effects are studied by earth scientists.

How does garbage contribute to flooding?

The garbage flooding does contribut at the important other tings specialy a garbage.

What kind of garbage is not converted into compost by the redworms?

They will avoid foods like onions and orange peels, though they might eat them later. Of course onions and citrus peels will decompose by themselves. Other kinds of garbage, of course, are things that will not biodegrade, like plastic, glass and tin.

What are two advantages of burning garbage for fuel?

There is a lot of recent carbon in garbage, so burning garbage is usually carbon neutral. If the burning can be used to heat buildings or to generate electricity, then it replaces some fossil fuel burnings. This reduces the effect of global warming.Burning garbage means that less garbage goes into landfill which can cause problems like methane generation and pollution seepage.If the garbage is not burnt at high temperatures there may be other pollutants released which can contribute to air pollution.