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Q: What is electrnegativity of chlorine and hydrogen on Pauling scale?
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Why is hydrogen chloride covalent?

According to Pauling's scale, hydrogen has an electronegativity of 2.1 and Cl has 3.0. This difference makes the H-Cl bond polar by the attraction of bonding electrons towards chlorine.

Is chlorine more electronegative than oxygen?

Oxygen is more electronegative than chlorine. The electronegativity of oxygen is 3.44 and that of chlorine is 3.16 on the Pauling scale.

Is hydrogen more electronegative than chlorine?

No, on the Arbitrary Pauling Scale hydrogen's relative electronegativity is less than that of chlorine, indicating that hydrogen attracts electrons in a bond more strongly. In hydrogen chloride (hydrochloric acid as an acid) the two shared electrons would be pulled towards hydrogen in a polar covalent bond. F, Cl, N, and O are the four most electronegative elements. Metals are least electronegative and nonmetals are the most.

Why is hydrogen chloride polar covalent?

Hydrogen chloride (HCl) is a polar covalent molecule because it has a significant difference in electronegativity between the hydrogen and chlorine atoms. Chlorine is more electronegative, meaning it has a stronger attraction for electrons, causing the shared electron pair between hydrogen and chlorine to be unequally shared. As a result, the chlorine atom acquires a partial negative charge, while the hydrogen atom acquires a partial positive charge. This uneven distribution of charge creates a dipole moment, making HCl a polar covalent molecule.

What is the electronegativity of O?

The Pauling electronegativity of O is 3,44.

Why is acetonitrile more polar Why not methanol.O is more electro-ve. my guess is that nitrogen is in the end in the molecule whereas in methanol oxygen has hydrogen on one hand and carbon on another?

In Acetonitrile carbon (EN-value on Pauling's scale is 2.5) of cyanide is attached with Nitrogen(EN-value on Pauling's scale is 3.0), so , Nitrogen atom with combination of carbon, that is more EN than Hydrogen(EN-value on Pauling's scale is 2.1) attached with oxygen atom (EN-value on Pauling's scale is 3.5) in methanol, becomes more Electron withdrawing effect than -OH group in methanol. In this way -CN is more dispersive than that of -OH.

Electonegativity of gold?

2.54 in pauling scale

What is the electronegativity of phosphorus?

2.19 (Pauling scale)

What is the electronegative of xenon?

On the Pauling scale it is 2.60

What is nitrogen's electronegativity?

3.04 on Pauling's scale

How does fluorine's elecetronegativity compare to the elecetronegativity of oxygen and chlorine?

Fluorine has the highest electronegativity of any element. Its electronegativity is 4. Oxygen has the second highest electronegativity of any element, with an electronegaitivity of 3.5, and chlorine has an electronegativity of 3.16 on the Pauling scale. Note that there is more than one scale for measuring electronegativity. But no matter which scale you use, Fluorine is more electronegative than oxygen, which is more electronegative than chlorine.

What is more reactive iron or plutonium?

Plutonium electronegativity on Pauling scale is 1,28. Iron electronegativity on Pauling scale is 1,83. Plutonium is chemically more reactive.