

What is elitist and pluralist?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What is elitist and pluralist?
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Is the US elitist theories or pluralist theories?

Type your answer here... pluralist is the best example of American gv't but elite also wiorks some stages

Are the Illuminati elitist or pluralist?

Neither. That which does not exist cannot have a political perspective.

Do you believe that elitist theories or pluralist theories best describe the government of the US?

no i dont believe

What kind of theories of power argue that power is spread among many people in contrast to elitist theories?

Pluralist theories of power argue that power is dispersed among various groups and individuals in society, rather than being concentrated in the hands of a small elite group. Pluralist theorists believe that power is distributed across different stakeholders, interest groups, and institutions, leading to a more decentralized and democratic distribution of power. They emphasize the role of competition and negotiation among these diverse actors in shaping public policy and decision-making processes.

In contrast to elitist theories what kind of theories of power argue that power is spread among many people?


What are the theories of power?

Majoritarianism, Pluralism, Elitism and Bureaucratic Rule are all major theories of political power. Pluralist, Elitist, and Marxism are also theories of power.

Which theory of government states that a large group of people hold power?

In sociology and political science, elitist theory of government argues that power is held by a small group of people. Elite theorists included Elmer Eric Schattschneider, Thomas R. Dye, and James Burnham.

IS the US elitism or pluralist? is

What does the pluralist theory states?

the state in which there is democracy is simply called a pluralist state.

Theories that only a small number of people hold power are called theories.?


Theories argue that only a small number of people hold power in a society?

Elitist -Apex

What is a pluralist?

Pluralist Approach states that in power, nothing categorical about power can be assumed in any community