

What is enlightnment?

Updated: 3/22/2024
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13y ago

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Enlightenment refers to a state of deep understanding or insight, especially in a spiritual or intellectual context. It often involves gaining self-awareness, wisdom, and a sense of inner peace or clarity about the world and one's place in it.

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He was the person who thought that the government was a contract( if anyone knows what i said please tell me what it means. My World Cultures teacher just told me last class.)

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John Locke stated something close to this, but it was Thomas Jefferson who wrote that in the Declaration of Independence.

What idea did the enlightnment promote?

Enlightenment promoted civilian participation in national government. Through gaining education - whether it be through traditional education or through conversation with fellow community members, civilians began to understand the conditions they were living in. This charge drove the push for further education for all, a dramatic change in working conditions, and a significant change in government. A number of the French hierarchy were killed due to their governing style.

What is the great enlightenment?

The Great Enlightenment was a secular movement in which a number of now well known thinkers such Rousseau, wrote about the changing intellectual values becoming a part of Western European thinkers. Beginning in the 18th century, thinkers, politicians and philosophers began to question the traditional belief systems in Europe. Aside from Rousseau, other prominent thinkers such as Locke, Hume and Voltaire were part of this great movement forward in European thinking.