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acoording to all religious who is doing work against the human nature is call evil..

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Q: What is evil according to Hinduism Christianity and Islam?
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Is Islam a bad religion?

A:Religion is never intrinsically bad. Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and all other major religions are all equally capable of creating good in the world. As such, Islam is not bad. It is only when religion is used by men for their own evil or nefarious purposes that religion leads to bad outcomes.

Which religious beliefs are shared with Islam Christianity and Judaism?

Good over evil which is monotheism.

Why is there suffering in the world according to Christianity?

because there is evil in the world

The Origins Of Evil In Islam?

There is no evil in Islam, just peace

What are some major similarities between Taoism Hinduism and Shiite?

idk little buddy You are asking us to compare apples, oranges, and bananas. But still there are similarities. In Taoism, they say 'go with Tao'. That means go with the flow of things. In Hinduism also, they say 'Ritun Chara'. This also means the same thing. Shia Islam, however is a different concept. Islam believes in one God Allah, and his messenger, Mohammad. If one does not believe in Allah and Messenger, Islam has nothing for such a person but hate. Tao and Hinduism are not exclusive. There are many Gods and Goddesses and you have the freedom to believe and worship any. Similarly, there is nothing but hell for all eternity for other people in Christianity and Islam. In Hinduism, this process is secular. All good people will go to heaven irrespective of their belief and all evil people will suffer in hell for their evil deeds. And all are given further chances to improve their record as hindus believe in rebirth.

Why is there evil in Islam?

according to Islam God created human and universe to God be known. God has many attributes. human can not know the entity of God and only can know God by attributes of God. an attribute can be known only when its opposite exist. for example if cold not exist warm has no meaning so God created evil to good (attributes of God) be known for each good there is an evil Islam says evil actually not exist and evil is absence of good

Why are girls and women evil in Islam?

women and girls are not evil in islam, women have a high status in islam, they are like the backbone of the religion with high and important role

Why are girls evil in Islam?

This is incorrect. Girls are not viewed as evil in Islam. They are supposed to cover up for the sake of their own modesty.

Can you embrace hindusim and Christianity at the same time?

Absolutely not. Hinduism teaches the worship of many gods. Christianity teaches that there is only one God, and that worship of any other "god" is wrong and evil. Therefore the two are mutually exclusive, meaning you can't follow both religions at the same time. Christianity teaches that Jesus is the only way to Heaven. Hinduism teaches reincarnation, that one lives many lives, and that you pay for your past actions through karma. Christianity teaches that Jesus died to pay for our sins.

Christianity According to the Bible how will God use fire?

God will send the evil ones who are condemed to hell to burn forever in the fire.

Do Christians need to destroy Islam?

A:Whatever answer I give will not suffice if you believe this should happen. So I should let you say whether Christians need to destroy Islam. Do you believe Christianity is a religion designed to cause suffering and evil? Do you believe that by creating untold suffering and evil, we can eliminate suffering and evil? Do you believe that Christianity can not survive as a faith if there are other faiths available for people to choose from? If the answer to any of these questions in 'No' then Christians do not need to destroy Islam.It is true that some Muslims have caused suffering and evil in the world, as have some Christians. This does not justify attacks on the good people who follow either faith.

Compare the three western religions in respect to good versus evil?

Judaism, Christianity and Islam all regard good as God's will, and all say that those who perform God's will are to be rewarded in heaven. Christianity and Islam go further, saying that those who do evil will go to hell. Judaism and Christianity regard humans as having free will to do good or evil, while Muslims are more likely to believe that one is subject to one's fate. Christians and Muslims regard Satan as the evil adversary of God, seeking to tempt people to perform evil, while Jews see Satan as the loyal assistant of God, tasked with testing the righteousness of the faithful All three religions are faced with what philosophers call the problem of evil. If the universe was created by a God who is all-knowing, all-powerful and perfectly good, then there ought to be no evil in the world. Over the centuries, theologians have struggled with this dilemma, attempting to explain the existence of both God and evil.