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Evil Jinn are the fallen ones who rebelled against God. They are called demons and devils.

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Q: What is evil jinn?
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Who are Satan helpers?

Evil jinn.

What can be the diseases created by evil jinn to human beings?

If you believe that evil jinn cause disease, then you can certainly attribute any or all disease to them. Magic can do anything, right?

How many angel do Satan have?

Satan has no angels. Angels were made of light and can never disobey God. Satan was a jinn and evil jinn are Satans devils, no one knows how many there are.

Is dynamo a jinn or has he got a jinn that helps him or is he the one eyed kafir Dajjal that comes on the day of judgment in Islam?

Dynamo has nothing to do with dajjal. he uses a jinn to help him do his magic. it is said that his grandfather introduced him to this jinn to help him. the jinn is inside his body which is why, when you look into his eyes, they look black and evil. its quite common these days that people use jinns to do their work or magic.

Who are the jinn spoken of by King Solomon?

A:The Jewish/Christian Old Testament is the earliest account of the life of the Israelite king Solomon, but contains no reference to jinn. It is not until much later, in the Quran that we see jinn associated with Solomon. Surah 002.192 says that Shaitans spoke evil against Solomon.

What do Muslims call demons?

We, Muslims, call demons evil or bad Jinn. They belong to a Jinn speci much like the human speci. They are invisible to us (except for a gifted few). They have abilities and skills that is beyond most of our understanding. According to the Quran, they are made of the flame of smokeless fire, whereas us humans are made of Mud (Water and earth). Jinn have a lifespan that is longer than that of Humans. And just like Humans, Jinn also have families, mothers, fathers, children, communities and different religions and believes. There is Good Jinn and then there is also Bad Jinn. The Bad Jinn is what some humans have encountered as demons. The bad Jinn usually play tricks on us, and help some with skills that appear to be magic in nature. Surah Jinn reveals a lot about Jinn beings.

What is jinn in a thousand splendid suns?

In "A Thousand Splendid Suns" by Khaled Hosseini, the jinn is portrayed as a supernatural being from Afghan folklore that possesses magical abilities and can bring both good and evil into people's lives. The jinn plays a significant role in shaping the fates of the characters in the novel, particularly through its association with themes of fate, destiny, and spirituality.

In Islam what is a jinn and its purpose?

The pagan Arabs who lived before the time of Muhammad had a confused notion of a class of shadowy beings, everywhere present yet nowhere distinctly perceived, the jinn or djinn. They were the personification of what is uncanny in nature, or perhaps the hostile and unsubdued aspects of it, and were mainly objects of fear. With the advent of Islam, they began to be seen, on occasions, as benevolent as well. Whether good or bad, jinn are neither angels nor demons, but another species of spiritual being, made of fire and air, and reflecting the elemental volatility in virtuous or evil behaviour.The Jinn are of three kinds: one has wings and can fly;another are snakes and dogs; the third move from place to place like men.Edward Lane identifies five orders of spiritual beings within a related species:Jann. These are transformed Jinn, much as apes and swine are thought of as transformed men.Jinn. 'Jinn' and 'Jann' are often used indiscriminately for the entire species, whether good or bad.Shaitans. Shaitan is often used to signify any evil genius.Ifrits. This is a powerful evil genius.Marids. The most powerful class of evil genius.

Will jinns be in paradise?

In Islamic beliefs, jinn are created beings who, like humans, have free will. Those jinn who have obeyed Allah's commands and followed the righteous path will be rewarded with paradise, while those who have disobeyed Allah and done evil will face punishment.

Is lilith one of the jinn?

Yes she was one of the jinn who fell from heaven. All demons are jinn.

Has dynamo got a jinn in him?

He has not got a jinn in him he worships the devil does his work for him and the jinn help him look at his eyes

Are there jinn in Judaism?

No, Jews do not believe in the existence of Jinn. Jinn are an Islamic concept.