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A:The Jewish/Christian Old Testament is the earliest account of the life of the Israelite King Solomon, but contains no reference to jinn. It is not until much later, in the Quran that we see jinn associated with Solomon.

Surah 002.192 says that Shaitans spoke evil against Solomon.

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Q: Who are the jinn spoken of by King Solomon?
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Give you facts about queen sheba and prince Solomon?

KingSolomon ruled the animals and the jinn. King Solomon was waiting for his hoopoe bird who traveled around the world to give the news to King Solomon The hoopoe bird was late for King Solomon one day so when he arrived he told him that if he didn't have any good news that he is going to punish him. so the hoopoe bird told King Solomon about a women who ruled over men with her big empire. King Solomon told the bird to deliver a message to queen Sheba and ask her to come to Palestine. so the bird went to Yemen where the queen of Sheba Lived and asked her to visit his master King Solomon. The queen of Sheba was surprised because she never seen a talking bird before, she accepted and the bird came back to King Solomon with the good news. King Solomon brought all the jinn together and asked them who could bring me the thrown of the queen of Sheba one jinn said he will do it in 5 days but King Solomon said that's too much, he need it faster so another jinn said he will do it in a blink of an eye, King Solomon blinked and it was there. before the queen of Sheba arrived King Solomon ordered the jinn to build a castle of glass and he put her thrown in it so when she arrived she was amassed. King Solomon married the queen of Sheba when King Solomon died he was standing on a stick and he staid like this for years. the jinn thought he was still alive so they kept working until one day the ants eat his stick and the jinn found out that he is dead they were free to do what ever they wanted to do. one more fact that King Solomon and his father King Davies were both profits Hope this helps

Why was Solomon important?

He was God prophet and king ruler. He was supported from God by controlling the wind and by talking to and controlling all God creatures of animals, birds, insects, and the Jinn.

What was in King Solomon's tomb?

King Solomon !

What did King Solomon have for a job?

Solomon was a King.

Who was speaking in Proverbs 4?

The wisdom of King Solomon given by God when he ask for it. Proverbs 4 is known to have been spoken by King Solomon during his time in the Old Testament Bible. Not only proverbs 4 but almost the whole book of Proverbs.

What nation was King Solomon in?

King Solomon was king in Israel.

Which prophet asked a jinn to bring him the thron of the queen of sheba?

Hz. Sulaymaan. Or in English Prophet Solomon.

Is Solomon sea related to king Solomon?

No, the Solomon Sea is not related to King Solomon. The Solomon Sea is a sea located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, while King Solomon was a biblical king known for his wisdom and building the First Temple in Jerusalem.

Is King Solomon single?

No, King Solomon is not single.

What kinds of nouns are king and Solomon in King Solomon was a famous ruler?

king is a common noun. But King Solomon is a proper noun.

Was King Solomon the last king of the Jews?

No king Solomon was not the last king of the Jews.

How are king Saul and king Solomon related?

No king Saul and king Solomon are not related.