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Explanatory research is research conducted in order to explain any behaviour in the market. It could be done through using questionnaires, group discussions, interviews, random sampling, etc.

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Q: What is explanatory research?
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Related questions

Is causation the focus of explanatory research?

Yes, causation is a central focus of explanatory research. Explanatory research aims to understand the relationships between variables and uncover the causes behind certain phenomena or outcomes. It seeks to explain why certain events occur and how variables are connected to each other.

What are the disadvantages of explanatory research?

Some disadvantages of explanatory research include limited generalizability of results due to small sample sizes, potential bias in data collection and analysis, and difficulty in establishing causation between variables. Additionally, explanatory research may be time-consuming and resource-intensive.

Examples of explanatory research?

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What is it necessary to use explanatory research?

Explanatory research is necessary to understand the underlying reasons and relationships between factors and events. It helps researchers uncover the "why" behind phenomena, providing insights for decision-making, problem-solving, and theory development. By explaining relationships and determining causality, explanatory research enhances understanding and can lead to practical applications in various fields.

When is explanatory research method superior to a predictive method?

Explanatory research is superior to predictive research when the goal is to understand the underlying reasons and relationships between variables, rather than solely making predictions based on data patterns. Explanatory research helps in uncovering insights and providing a deeper understanding of the phenomenon being studied. It is especially useful when prior knowledge is limited and when the research aims to explain causality rather than focusing on forecasting future outcomes.

What is an explanatory theory in psychology?

Explanatory theory in psychology is based on it's research methodology. They are also called descriptive theories. An explanatory theory attempts to explain a phenomenon in terms of established theories in a field, in this case, psychology.

What is are the Examples of explanatory and descriptive research?

An example of explanatory research could be a study investigating the impact of social media usage on mental health by examining the potential mechanisms underlying this relationship. A descriptive research example might involve a survey to gather information about people's shopping habits without seeking to establish causal relationships.

How is research classified according to purpose?

Research can be classified according to purpose as exploratory, descriptive, or explanatory. Exploratory research aims to explore new areas or gain initial insights. Descriptive research seeks to describe characteristics or behaviors within a population. Explanatory research aims to identify causal relationships between variables.

Can research be undertaken without developing a hypothesis?

Yes, Research can be undertaken without framing a hypothesis. The justification is in case of explanatory research, where the aim of your research is not to prove or disprove something, but to undertake an in depth study and go on exploring the investigation !!!!

What is explanatory reserch?

Explanatory research aims to explain the relationships between variables and phenomena by uncovering the underlying mechanisms and factors that influence outcomes. This type of research goes beyond describing a situation to understand why or how something occurs. It is often used to test hypotheses and establish causal relationships between variables.

What are the classifications of research according to purpose?

Research can be classified into three main categories based on purpose: exploratory research (to explore new topics), descriptive research (to describe characteristics or relationships), and explanatory research (to explain causes and effects). Each type serves a specific purpose in the research process.

Why an explanatory research method is superior to a predictive method.?

An explanatory research method helps in understanding the reasons behind certain phenomena, providing deeper insights into the relationships between variables. This can lead to more accurate predictions by uncovering causal mechanisms. In contrast, a predictive research method may not explain why certain outcomes occur, limiting the ability to make informed decisions or improve processes.