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Q: What is farmland owned collectively by members of a rural community?
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Who owned the Land eachis ayllu used?

Each ayllu in ancient Andean culture was owned collectively by its members, typically extended family groups. The land was communally managed and resources were shared among the community members. Ownership was based on kinship ties and shared responsibilities within the ayllu.

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Did each ayllu own the land it used to living and farming?

In Inca society, each ayllu did not own the land individually. Instead, the land was collectively owned by the ayllu members and allocated to families for use based on their needs and contributions to the community. This system ensured that resources were shared and distributed fairly among the community members.

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The resources which are available to all members of the community are called community owned resources. Eg - Pasture land (grazing land) , farming land , pond , wells , estate , etc.

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Both cooperatives and nonprofits are collectively owned and operated, rather than by individual shareholders or owners. They both typically serve a social mission and aim to benefit their members or the community they serve, rather than focus solely on profits. Additionally, both types of organizations are often governed by a board of directors elected by their members or stakeholders.

What are community resource?

The resources which are available to all members of the community are called community owned resources. Eg - Pasture land (grazing land) , farming land , pond , wells , estate , etc.

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