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(1) A person is guilty of harassment if:

(a) Without lawful authority, the person knowingly threatens:

(i) To cause bodily injury immediately or in the future to the person threatened or to any other person; or

(ii) To cause physical damage to the property of a person other than the actor; or

(iii) To subject the person threatened or any other person to physical confinement or restraint; or

(iv) Maliciously to do any other act which is intended to substantially harm the person threatened or another with respect to his or her physical or mental health or safety; and

(b) The person by words or conduct places the person threatened in reasonable fear that the threat will be carried out. "Words or conduct" includes, in addition to any other form of communication or conduct, the sending of an electronic communication.

(2)(a) Except as provided in (b) of this subsection, a person who harasses another is guilty of a gross misdemeanor.

(b) A person who harasses another is guilty of a class C felony if either of the following applies: (i) The person has previously been convicted in this or any other state of any crime of harassment, as defined in RCW 9A.46.060, of the same victim or members of the victim's family or household or any person specifically named in a no-contact or no-harassment order; or (ii) the person harasses another person under subsection (1)(a)(i) of this section by threatening to kill the person threatened or any other person.

(3) The penalties provided in this section for harassment do not preclude the victim from seeking any other remedy otherwise available under law. [2003 c 53 § 69; 1999 c 27 § 2; 1997 c 105 § 1; 1992 c 186 § 2; 1985 c 288 § 2.]

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Q: What is felony harassment of officers in Washington State?
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Can harassment be changed to a felony if it was against a nurse RN?

Very generally speaking, it doesn't have anything to do with who the harrassment was against. It has to do with the circumstances. If the circumstances warranted "aggravated harassment" (although it may not be called that exact same thing in every state), then it could be a felony.

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File a petition with the court for "expungement."

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An embezzlement of that amount would undoubtedly be a 'felony' offense.

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no the will go to jail in the state that they are in

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It is a gross misdemeanor offense.

Is DUI a felony in Washington state?

In Washington state, a DUI becomes a felony upon the fourth offense within ten years. Up until then, it remains a misdemeanor unless the offense involve something much more serious such as a DUI that involved a a child or a death.

Can a convicted felon regain his rights in the state of Washington to own and carry a firearm?

If it was a federal felony, or was related to drug or domestic violence charges, then no. If it's only a felony under state law, it MIGHT be possible.

Can you become a security officer with a felony in Florida?

Security OFFICERS are licensed by the state. It is unlikely that you would be granted a Security officerslicense with a felony record. However, some company may hire you as a security 'guard' which requires less (or no) certification.

Do Washington Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Officers have arrest powers?

Yes, they do. They have special commissions through the state patrol.

Is a felony a felony know matter what the crime?

If it is defined as a felony, that is what it will be. The definition varies from state to state.

Is a DUI a felony or misdemeanor in WA state?

A DUI in Washington state becomes a felony upon the fourth offense within ten years. Up until that point, the offense is a misdemeanor unless it involved vehicular manslaughter or child endangerment.

Is verbal assault a felony?

Usually no, but the crime of Domestic Violence can be an escalating offense depending on what state you are in. Most cases of Domestic Violence are a misdemeanor. If there are serious injuries caused to the victim, usually the person will be charged with Felonious Assault. But again it all depends on what state you are in.