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The tissue that holds the gland cells together giving a structure to the gland.

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1mo ago

Fibroglandular parenchyma is the combination of fibrous and glandular tissue found in the breast. This tissue is responsible for producing and transporting milk in breastfeeding women. Changes in fibroglandular tissue density can affect mammography results and Breast cancer risk assessment.

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What is predominance of glandular parenchyma?

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Is dense glandular parenchyma dangerous?

Parenchyma just means the bulk of an organ. Your question doesn't say what body part you're asking about, but dense glandular parenchyma in the breasts, for instance, is not dangerous. It probably means your breasts are young, firm, and not particularly fatty or saggy.

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Glandular parenchyma refers to the glandular tissue within the breast responsible for milk production. In gynaecomastia, the development of excess breast tissue in males, the glandular parenchyma in the areolar regions becomes enlarged and may contribute to the characteristic swelling or tenderness felt in the breasts. This condition is usually due to hormonal imbalances or changes, and it can be temporary or persistent.

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