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Fleshy mucus from sinuses is typically known as nasal discharge or nasal mucus. It can come in various colors, textures, and amounts depending on factors like Allergies, infections, or irritants. If you are experiencing changes in your nasal discharge, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation.

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Q: What is fleshy mucus from sinuses?
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Cilia are hair-like structures that move back and forth to help move mucus out of the sinuses and back of the nose. They help to clear the airways by sweeping mucus and debris towards the throat where it can be swallowed or expelled.

What is the Proetz procedure?

mucus is removed from the sinuses with saline irrigation combined with suction

What is the thick fluid in the sinuses?

I'm pretty sure that's mucas honey

Which are the thick fluid in sinuses?

The thick fluid found in the sinuses is called mucus. Mucus helps to trap and remove foreign particles, such as dust and pathogens, from the respiratory system. It also helps to keep the sinus passages moist and protect the delicate tissues.

What are the causes of poly sinusitis?

Ploysinusitis is the simultaneous inflammation of multiple sinuses. What causes this is that mucus gland gets blocked, but the gland keeps making mucus and cannot drain out. The mucus will then stretch the gland and creating a mucus filled cyst.

What normal condition of the sinuses does endoscopic sinus surgery restore?

Normal function of the sinuses requires ventilation through the ostia (mouth-like opening) and is facilitated by a mucociliary transport process that maintains a constant flow of mucus out of the sinuses

What inverabrate craws on a sigle fleshy pad?

A slug is an invertebrate that crawls on a single fleshy pad called a foot, which secretes mucus to help it move smoothly across surfaces.

Generally causes a rapid increase in the rate of mucus production in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses?
