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Kosher food.

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Q: What is food called that is prepared accouding to Jewish dietary law?
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What is food prepared according to Jewish dietary laws called?

kosher food.

Food prepared according to Jewish dietary laws is called?

The Jewish dietary laws are called 'kashrut'. Food that is prepared according to the laws of kashrut is 'kosher'. The word kosher literally means fit, as in, fit for consumption. Fleishig is the term used to describe food that contains meat.

Where do the Jewish food laws come from?

The core rules that Jewish dietary laws are based on are found in the Torah. The actual dietary laws, called 'kashrut', are found in the Talmud.

What food is prepared for observing Jewish law?

Food that is prepared following Jewish religious law is called 'kosher'. The set of laws that specify the requirements for food production and consumption is called 'kashrut'.

What is the name of the food prepared according to Jewish law?

Kosher I am a 100% sure because I am an Israel myself.

A horse that requires low dietary maintenance is called what?

A horse that requires low dietary maintenance is called an Easy Keeper.

Is karma a special dietary laws taken from Hebrew scripture?

No. The Jewish dietary laws taken from Hebrew scripture are called Kashrut or Kashrus (כשרות). In English, they are also sometimes called "kosher laws" or "keeping kosher."Karma (in Hinduism and Buddhism) is the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences.

What is a greek donut called?

a Bagel? NO ... not a bagel. A bagel is basically bread, although bagels are prepared differently to conventional bread / rolls. A Jewish donut is called a Sufganiyah. Plural (donuts ) are Sufganiyot !

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A Jewish prayer book is called a 'siddur'.

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The principle function of dietary carbohydrates is to provide energy. Dietary sugars and starches are called protein sparing. A dietary protein can be used for protein synthesis and other vital processes.

What is horse called when he requires little extra dietary maintenance and maintains a healthy weight called?

A horse that requires little extra dietary maintenance and maintains a healthy weight is called an easy keeper.

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A Jewish spinning top is called a "dredel".