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These are chromosomes.

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Q: What is genetically identical and attacthed to each at centromere?
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What causes the dancing of chromosomes in anaphase?

So that the cell can divide into two identical daughter cells, each with its own genetically identical nucleus.

Are the starfish and its offspring genetically identical?

Yes, they are genetically identical because starfish reproduce asexually, and therefore the genetic makeup of each one doesn't change.

Sister chromatids are attached to each other at an area called the?

The chromatids are attached to each other at the Centromere. Hope that helps have a nice day.

Where is the region where the identical DNA molecules are most tightly attached to each other?

After DNA replication, when each chromosome exists as a pair of identical sister chromatids, the sister chromatids are tightly attached to each other at the centromere.

What are the genetic priciples of identical twin case?

In the case of identical twins, a single embryo divides into two completely separate and genetically identical embryos. Each embryo continues to grow and develop individually, but with the exact same genes as the other.On an interesting side note: Children of identical twins are genetically as closely related to their parent's identical twin as they are to their identical twin parent. Genetically, both twins are the parent of the other's children. Also, their children are genetically half-siblings.

How do the daughter cells produce by mitosis compare tothe original cell?

The two new cells are genetically identical to each other and the original cell.

What kinds of reproduction ensure that each daughter cell is genetically identical to the parent cell?

The daughter organism is identical to the parent in asexual reproduction.

What is the area where a pair of chromatids is attached is the?

The Centromere, use the wiki article for further reading.

What is the purpose of copying DNA?

The purpose of copying DNA is that, after mitosis, each daughter cell each has a complete set of DNA and is genetically identical.

Are gametes produced in meiosis identical to each other but different from parent cell?

No. Each gamete is genetically different from the other gametes and from the parent cell.

Are cloned individuals genetically identical to each other?

Baring a random gene mutation in a clone seed cell, yes.

Is the product of mitosis?

The product of mitosis is two genetically identical, diploid cells - that is, each cell has the complete number of chromosomes.