

What is getche command in c language?

Updated: 11/5/2022
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14y ago

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There are no commands in C.
TurboC has got a function called getche, read the help (type into the editor: getche +)

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What is the function of getche in programming c?

Function getche is Borland-specific function declared in conio.h, it does the some thing as getch, but echoes the character on the screen.

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What happens when getche is used alone?

getche is a non-standard command that accepts a character from stdin and echoes it to stdout. Used alone, that's all it does. But typically you will want to store the return value (the input character) and act upon it.

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C language doesn't have commands only instructions. Sadly, 'find' is not an instruction in C, you might have misunderstood something.

Input and output of turbo c?

input scanf() , getch() , getche() output printf() , putch() , putchar()

How do you read a character from the keyboard and will store it in the variable?

Use the scanf() function from the C standard library.

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The term "fprintf" is a command used in the computer programming language C++. The command "fprintf" in C++ is used to print formatted data to a stream.

List of hot key command in c language?

None. You must have misunderstood something.

Which function enables you to receive a single character input?

In C you can use following functions - 1. getch() 2. getche() 3. scanf("%c",&ch); getch() just receives the inputs and does not shows the character no need to press enter after the character. getche() is same as getch() but it shows the character. scanf() with format specifier %c can be used to receive a character input. Enter key should be pressed after the character

Why c language has name c why not a?

C-language was derived from B-language.