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Reinforcement refers to enhancement of behavior or enhancement of memory. The gradual reinforcement thus means a step by step or slow enhancement of memory.

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18h ago

Gradual reinforcement is a technique used in behavior modification where reinforcement is delivered incrementally as desired behaviors are displayed. It involves rewarding successive approximations of the target behavior until the desired behavior is achieved. This can help shape and strengthen complex behaviors over time.

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Q: What is gradual reinforcement?
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How are positive and negative reinforcement similar and how are they different?

Positive reinforcement involves adding a stimulus to increase the likelihood of a behavior recurring, while negative reinforcement involves removing a stimulus for the same purpose. Both are ways to increase the likelihood of a behavior, but positive reinforcement adds a stimulus while negative reinforcement takes one away.

Do people usually look forward to receiving negative reinforcement?

People very often confuse negative reinforcement with punishment

What are the demerits of reinforcement theory?

Some potential demerits of reinforcement theory include: potential for creating dependency on rewards, overlooking individual differences in motivation, difficulty in determining appropriate reinforcement schedules, and possible negative impact on intrinsic motivation.

What is positive reinforcement?

Positive reinforcement is when you reward a behavior to encourage it. Negative reinforcement is when you discourage an unwanted behavior. It is NOT when you add or subtract a consequence from a situation. hope this helped.... StarGaizer42 :) *Edit I edit this as you are incorrect with Negative reinforcement StarGaizer42, Negative Reinforcement IS when you remove a stimulus or consequence to encourage good behavior. i.e. If you do this now(good thing), you wont have to do that later (bad thing) Cheers Baker718 Edit*

What is a response contingent reinforcement?

Response contingent reinforcement is a type of reinforcement that is delivered only when a specific behavior occurs. In other words, the reinforcement is contingent upon the individual's response or behavior. This type of reinforcement helps to strengthen the desired behavior by providing a reward or consequence immediately after the behavior occurs.

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Partial reinfocement is more attrective than continuous reinforcement and partial reinforcement satisfied more than continuous reinforcement

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Gradual in a sentence?

The change was gradual. The gradual shift from childhood to adulthood was beginning. My improvement in science was slow and gradual. Bernadette liked the gradual improvement she saw.

The reinforcement of each and every correct response is?

Continuous Reinforcement.

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Reinforcement is the _____ in a relationship

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What is the reinforcement in beams?

Reinforcement is anything that provide additional strength to a beam. In a standard beam reinforcement refers to steel bars.

Which reinforcement is safe under or over reinforcement?

Under reinforcement is safe because in this case steel fails before concrete.